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Rapid _SD awesome modeling plug for MAX

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
This is really nice. you can edit the points on the surface of a subdivided mesh, and not just the cage, it boasts a gigantic speed increase over traditional turbosmooth or meshsmooth. and another cool little feature is the ability to select loops on irregular meshes, its really smart in doing this, you can look at the shots.. get the demo now!!!!



  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Just tried it out. It's like magic voodoo. Currently you can only tweak verts, not make any mesh changes like cuts or connects. But it's super fast, you can edit both with a cage by pressing 1, or adjusting the verts as they fall on the smoothed mesh (like in modo) by pressing 2, and it is literally in real time. I had a model set to two iterations that crawled on my laptop using turbosmooth, that I could rotate at 66 fps at two iterations in this plugin, and I could edit the points with the smoothing turned on, even with soft select, and it didn't slow down.

    The down sides, besides no editing abilities, is that it has to be an edit poly, no modifiers on top, so symetry and stuff doesn't work. BUT on his page he claims the full version will have built in symetry and all the edit poly tools exposed. This is probably the coolest thing I've seen for high poly modeling in any program yet.

  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i too have now played around with it and it looks to really extend the max modeling capabilites. if the editing tools come around as well as being able to select edges and polies i will most definatly get this. the ablity to work with dense models smoothed in realtime ON the actual surface and not a proxy mesh is a beatiful thing.

    oh yeah and the loop selecting functionality sets a new standard.

    here are some neat shots..


  • Eric Chadwick
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