hi guys
I just graduated from vanarts, vancouver institute for media art. this is my reel consisting of environment and props. I'm looking for a job as an environment artist.
Comments and Critics are very welcome. Thanks !
later petra
"Sorry guys. the entire server crashed, all pages on it are
down. according to my provider my page should be up again in a few hours. "
Email is abromell (at) threewavesoftware.com
gr8 work . environment looks awesome. keep it up . gr8 future ahead.
thanks for telling me about the links. i changed that of course right away.
...which translates into 'yadayada' for the rest of you.
i know the dodge is the weakest project. i'm going to do some tests with renderpasses. you'll see some updates, soon.
strangeFate, cooli homepage. ha gseh dech hets au noch kanada verschlage.
later petra
i've newer played doom3... i saw it, though. but that's the reason why it doesn't look like doom3.