Anyone aware that the word 'crunk' is a condensation of 'crazy drunk'? I presume that's why the music of the same name consists almost entirely of shouting.
So this is almost the same as naming your product "WASTED energy drink".
I love you humans, so amusing in your commercialist enfeeblement.
Heart rate, dehydration, blood pressure, tooth decay, and insomnia should be of concern to you. But judging from the stupidity of the general american public, I doubt it. Enjoy the rest of your life.
Doesn't bother me bromster. With my lifestyle, I'm not so easily influenced to disregard my health due to flashy ad campaigns, trendy misused slang, expendable wealth, and poor business management. I can't let someone posts this while everyone follows with "hell yeah, good shit yo!". I add my little warning, and let everyone take it as they wish. I know I'm outnumbered with any opinion I make. Some countries ban energy drinks. Many are marketed towards children, and give no warning of the effects they may have taken in large quantities. Many believe they can't finish a day without 5 or 6 Moutain Dews. When they're older, you'll more often hear the phrase, "if I knew then what I know now". But whatever. Be young, have fun, die slowly.
Well according to my brother who was a long time druggie Coc is pretty useless for staying up any length of time . No no what Pak needs is a "bowl" of Crystal Meth which my brother claims would keep him awake for 3-4 days no problem . Though being that half of his back teeth are falling out "meth mouth " and it aged him a good 5-10 years prematurly you must stick with Crunk
With my lifestyle, I'm not so easily influenced to disregard my health due to flashy ad campaigns, trendy misused slang, expendable wealth, and poor business management.
[/ QUOTE ]
So enlighten us, Elysium, do you post from a little cabin in rural NC? What is this lifestyle that allows you such transcendance? I really do wanna know, because I need that too!
I'm such an easy target, eh? Ok. Enlightenment. The second and third posts of this thread sums it up. Watch what you put inside your body. Make your own decisions, instead of relying what the company tells you. Stop watching commercials. The company needs to sell the product to profit. Your health isn't as big a concern. I'm no spokesperson. I make an effort to live intelligently, while also looking out for the well-being of those close to me.
If you want energy, be active and get plenty of sleep. I'm not going to make a heated debate about this. It's youthful ignorance against centuries of common sense.
also kids remember to brush your teeth and wear pads when you go out doing crazy skateboard tricks!!! no sweets before dinner you will ruin your appitite!! cars and trucks can possibly kill you if you drive them so dont!!! forcing your poo out can cause hemroids so just let it gentley ooze out of your butt. also terrorists are everywhere so just dont leave the house.
personally i drink energy drinks for an extra kick when i need them, sometimes 7 or 8 in a night. i also down about 2 to 3 pots of coffee a day and smoked for 9 years( one to one and a half packs a day) just recently quit. i have never had health problems, i have never had a cavity, and my last visit to the doctor (while i was still smoking) he said i had an almost scary "perfect" bill of health expecially for a smoker.
everything is bad for you in excess, but it dosent mean there is anything wrong with a bender every now and then, whatever your vice is.
Ely: You need to relax and get crunk with some fantastic Crunk Juice, playa'! Get them pimp muscles flexin' and down a couple pints of the sweet, blinging crunkity crunk flava of of Crunk!
Oh yeah, my first post was a joke, as is Lil' John. His awesomeness comes from his complete lack of being awesome.
everything is bad for you in excess, but it dosent mean there is anything wrong with a bender every now and then, whatever your vice is.
[/ QUOTE ]
that's true. but few know what counts as excess. usually it's more than one a day, or more than half. 5 or 6 on a regular basis is unreasonable. but i know there are some who will do it to get by. after all, they're invinsible, like superman. and do whatever you want. no one should listen to my opinion if they don't want to. if you're one of those few that can take lots of shit over the years, and be lucky enough to remain in good health...rock on.
If you want energy, be active and get plenty of sleep.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem is Elysium are more and more careers of any significance won't allow this. Hours upon hours of sitting down, and overtime under the excuse of salary.
Indeed, i took that path because the money was great, and i'm completely unhappy with my life. I sit in an office, and do that same task over and over. I am salaried, but if i dont put in 65 hour weeks, i'll loose my job. I hav'nt slept more than 4 hours a night in over 2 years.
I'm about to loose my mind, quit, and get a job outdoors at the zoo cleaning up elephant shit.
Heart rate, dehydration, blood pressure, tooth decay, and insomnia should be of concern to you. But judging from the stupidity of the general american public, I doubt it. Enjoy the rest of your life.
[/ QUOTE ]
If taken in excess, possibly. I've never had trouble with any of the above, and drink 1-2 Red Bulls a day.
I'm very sensitive to dehydration, as I generally run about 4 times a week, and train in martial arts 4 times a week as well. I sweat like a pig, so I can quickly become dehydrated. Soda will affect me in this regard, Red Bull however, does not seem to.
Due to my rigorous exercise, my heart rate is low. Strong ticker. Blood pressure is normal, even with a family tendency for the high end. I sleep well, and have never had a cavity.
Sure it's all anecdotal evidence, but since I don't drink coffee, a Red Bull does help to perk me up. I've never noticed ill side effects even though I am very in aware of my body's performance.
caffeine doesn't really give energy, its a supressant of the chemical the brain sends out to the body, that says its time to go to bed. The brain is still tired, you're just supressing the symtoms, so its misleading to call them energy drinks really.. Of course I've still drunk plenty of coffee late at night trying to keep deadlines.
I love the taste of coffee. I also hate the feeling of being tired. I drink about six to ten cups of coffee a day. However I realize that would be a ton of sugar and cream if I put that in each one, so I drink it black.
On the days I need an extra boost, I use my patented "Wake up JuJu" (tm). Arshlevon can vouch for it's effectiveness.
One 25mg ephedra tablet (they are still available over the internet, fifty tablets for eight dollars) + one NoDoze (200 mg caffeine) + a quarter of an adult aspirin (about 85mg) = one amped up poop. It's never failed to give me a huge boost in energy, and without any sugar or nasty chemicals! It must be healthy!
Honestly though, I care more about getting stuff done now while I'm young, than living a few more years when I'm in diapers and drooling on my self. I exercise, bicycle to work, eat healthy, and get about eight hours of sleep most of the time. I just need extra oomph on some weekdays. I don't drink coffee or take the magic juju on the weekends.
Oh yeah, instead of spending money on energy drinks, stop crunching. That takes way more out of you emotionally, physically, and otherwise, than any amount of chemical drinks will.
Maybe this isn't the place for it, but honestly, I'm not that young, and I don't expect to enjoy the end of my life any more than I already have enjoyed the beginning, which is... not that much. If my life continues on the pattern it's held to for the last decade, I don't have that much to look forward to. I see the glass as half-empty and evaporating most of the time, anyhow.
So living healthily doesn't hold that much appeal, I guess. Meanwhile, living unhealthily is starting to take on a strangely attractive sheen...
I think amfetamine (spelling?) can keep you up and make you do stuff (you dont even like) like a maniac. Its rather popular among studens around here, i dont do it tho, i have this rule (for drugs) that if it doesnt grow naturally i dont do it.
jeez take it easy oxy.. perhaps a slightly nicer angle to take would be 'why not try to live healthily so you can be with your kids for as long as possible'?
It's weird, oXYnary always manages to sound negative, even if he's trying to make a positive point.
Back on topic, I've never had Red Bull or any other energy drink, I also don't drink coffee or tea. Last year when I stayed up for a couple of days straight, I used Pepsi. Bye bye, teeth!
It's like stim from starcraft, this stuff makes crunch time possible.
3:30am and still tickin' muthafucka
[/ QUOTE ]
Dont be suprised when your heart stops at age 35!
And Redbull or chocolate covered coffee beans are my stimulants of choice...
*kids, don't do drugs unless you know what you're getting into, okay?*
So this is almost the same as naming your product "WASTED energy drink".
I love you humans, so amusing in your commercialist enfeeblement.
With my lifestyle, I'm not so easily influenced to disregard my health due to flashy ad campaigns, trendy misused slang, expendable wealth, and poor business management.
[/ QUOTE ]
So enlighten us, Elysium, do you post from a little cabin in rural NC? What is this lifestyle that allows you such transcendance? I really do wanna know, because I need that too!
So enlighten us, Elysium
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm such an easy target, eh? Ok. Enlightenment. The second and third posts of this thread sums it up. Watch what you put inside your body. Make your own decisions, instead of relying what the company tells you. Stop watching commercials. The company needs to sell the product to profit. Your health isn't as big a concern. I'm no spokesperson. I make an effort to live intelligently, while also looking out for the well-being of those close to me.
If you want energy, be active and get plenty of sleep. I'm not going to make a heated debate about this. It's youthful ignorance against centuries of common sense.
Oh shit, crunk juice, I can finally fill my chalice!
[/ QUOTE ]
personally i drink energy drinks for an extra kick when i need them, sometimes 7 or 8 in a night. i also down about 2 to 3 pots of coffee a day and smoked for 9 years( one to one and a half packs a day) just recently quit. i have never had health problems, i have never had a cavity, and my last visit to the doctor (while i was still smoking) he said i had an almost scary "perfect" bill of health expecially for a smoker.
everything is bad for you in excess, but it dosent mean there is anything wrong with a bender every now and then, whatever your vice is.
Oh yeah, my first post was a joke, as is Lil' John. His awesomeness comes from his complete lack of being awesome.
You know, kind of like how people like mullets...
...It would interfere with my smoke breaks.
everything is bad for you in excess, but it dosent mean there is anything wrong with a bender every now and then, whatever your vice is.
[/ QUOTE ]
that's true. but few know what counts as excess. usually it's more than one a day, or more than half. 5 or 6 on a regular basis is unreasonable. but i know there are some who will do it to get by. after all, they're invinsible, like superman. and do whatever you want. no one should listen to my opinion if they don't want to. if you're one of those few that can take lots of shit over the years, and be lucky enough to remain in good health...rock on.
If you want energy, be active and get plenty of sleep.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem is Elysium are more and more careers of any significance won't allow this. Hours upon hours of sitting down, and overtime under the excuse of salary.
I partially agree with elys, this shit really is bad for you. I keep in good shape and exercise to help balance out my crappy diet though.
by the way, try not to light yourself on fire while freebasing
I use to rip in to 2 cans of Red Bull before my shifts @ Kinko's to make things interesting.
... Enjoy the rest of your life.
[/ QUOTE ]
However shorter it may be now.
I have an energy drink for ya, its called Piss-Piss Run-a-lot! Now with Herbal fecal matter! It's all natural so you know its good for ya!
Indeed, i took that path because the money was great, and i'm completely unhappy with my life. I sit in an office, and do that same task over and over. I am salaried, but if i dont put in 65 hour weeks, i'll loose my job. I hav'nt slept more than 4 hours a night in over 2 years.
I'm about to loose my mind, quit, and get a job outdoors at the zoo cleaning up elephant shit.
So perhaps this juice of crunkness will assist.
Heart rate, dehydration, blood pressure, tooth decay, and insomnia should be of concern to you. But judging from the stupidity of the general american public, I doubt it. Enjoy the rest of your life.
[/ QUOTE ]
If taken in excess, possibly. I've never had trouble with any of the above, and drink 1-2 Red Bulls a day.
I'm very sensitive to dehydration, as I generally run about 4 times a week, and train in martial arts 4 times a week as well. I sweat like a pig, so I can quickly become dehydrated. Soda will affect me in this regard, Red Bull however, does not seem to.
Due to my rigorous exercise, my heart rate is low. Strong ticker. Blood pressure is normal, even with a family tendency for the high end. I sleep well, and have never had a cavity.
Sure it's all anecdotal evidence, but since I don't drink coffee, a Red Bull does help to perk me up. I've never noticed ill side effects even though I am very in aware of my body's performance.
On the days I need an extra boost, I use my patented "Wake up JuJu" (tm). Arshlevon can vouch for it's effectiveness.
One 25mg ephedra tablet (they are still available over the internet, fifty tablets for eight dollars) + one NoDoze (200 mg caffeine) + a quarter of an adult aspirin (about 85mg) = one amped up poop. It's never failed to give me a huge boost in energy, and without any sugar or nasty chemicals! It must be healthy!
Honestly though, I care more about getting stuff done now while I'm young, than living a few more years when I'm in diapers and drooling on my self. I exercise, bicycle to work, eat healthy, and get about eight hours of sleep most of the time. I just need extra oomph on some weekdays. I don't drink coffee or take the magic juju on the weekends.
Oh yeah, instead of spending money on energy drinks, stop crunching. That takes way more out of you emotionally, physically, and otherwise, than any amount of chemical drinks will.
Don't know if it's that much healthier tho.
I also hate the feeling of being tired. I drink about six to ten cups of coffee a day.
[/ QUOTE ]
That explains much! ;D
One 25mg ephedra tablet (they are still available over the internet, fifty tablets for eight dollars)
[/ QUOTE ]
That sounds pretty shady
So living healthily doesn't hold that much appeal, I guess. Meanwhile, living unhealthily is starting to take on a strangely attractive sheen...
Does that sound bad?
Yes, it does. More than anything else because you have children. Why did you bring more life into the world if you feel this way about it?
Back on topic, I've never had Red Bull or any other energy drink, I also don't drink coffee or tea. Last year when I stayed up for a couple of days straight, I used Pepsi. Bye bye, teeth!
living unhealthily is starting to take on a strangely attractive sheen...
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably has a spec map
Yes, it does. More than anything else because you have children. Why did you bring more life into the world if you feel this way about it?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's more a case of 20/20 hindsight...
or a case of you buying my line of bullshit...!
the rapist
Catch my drift?