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XrucifiX: Help us develop your Nightmares

polycounter lvl 17
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MackXX polycounter lvl 17

We're a group of people with a common goal, to make a fun game. We've secured a next generation engine (Reality Engine) and have been developing our title for the last few months. We're looking for volunteers, like ourselves, that are looking to develop a fun game. Either it be for a mesh or for the long run, any help is welcome help.

Eternal War: Nightmares
'Nightmares' is primarily a first person action adventure that brings together the universal concept of good versus evil in an expanding story arc. The story opens after Kaleb Silvermanes botched suicide lands him in the hospital. Three messengers are sent to council him, to unravel a pain-filled past...before it becomes a dark future.

Screenshots and In-Development Work
Click on the image to expand it:




ss1sm.jpg ss2sm.jpg

ss3sm.jpg ss4sm.jpg

Sword 1
Sword 2
Sword 3
Shield 1

Spots Open
+) 3d Enviromental Artist
+) 3d Character Artist
+) 3d Animator (Characters, Prefabs, Weapons)
+) 2d Texture Artist

Model Information
Model format: *.X or *.OBJ
Character polycount: 10k (max)
Weapon polycount: 5k (max)
Prefab polycount: 10k (max)
Texture information: four 1024x1024 (max) (bmp/tga)
Fancy Jazz: Bump/Normal/Paralax, Alpha, Per Pixel Lighting and Shading (PS3.0, PS2.X, PS2.0 and PS1.1), PRT, Occlusion Culling, HDR, Motion Blur, Light Blooms, Volumetric Lighting, etc.

Are you providing the team members with a build of the game engine so they can test their models?

[/ QUOTE ]
+) Yes. They'll get the model/level editor (which does it in real time) and also the launch excutable (for playtesting).

Feel free to get in touch with us:


  • Lee3dee
    Offline / Send Message
    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Are you needing any environment artists? what format should the models be in? Are you providing the team members with a build of the game engine so they can test their models?

    usual questions? hehe
  • MackXX
    Offline / Send Message
    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks Lee3dee, I edited my above post to answer your questions.
  • Downsizer
    Offline / Send Message
    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    I have a hard time beliving you secured the reality engine. Unless you purchaced a lisence before it was bought by epic, which was ages ago. I was in the process of securing a lisence to the engine, and could not continue due to the buyout, not even non-commercial. So how could you?

    I do have the latests builds, but they can't be used commercially. As I suspect is the case with your project?
  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    We secured the entire engine (not just the SDK) a few weeks before they stopped licensing it. They were still licensing it after the buyout announcement was made to allow all SDK testers to secure funding to purchase it. We were one of the last ones to get in.

    We can use it for commercial purposes if we want.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    How on earth did you secure funding for that? I was quoted a pretty high price. And you don't look like a wealthy company, no offense. I do support your game development. Any art tests on this perhaps, or more information about payment or volunteer etc?
  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    We we're given what I believe is an excellent deal from Artificial. From the research I did in comparison between features/price Reality was the best option. We were SDK testers for a couple of months but once the licensing was going to be cut I contacted Artificial and they gave us the quote.

    Your correct, we're not a financially well off team. We've all volunteered our time to pull this together. Those that could (and wanted to) pitched in to help purchase Reality, I took out a personal loan in order to help pay for half of it. We want to see this get done and hopefully play and look great!

    In the event that we secure funding and then distribution we're open to offering different options of payment. I have quotes from several art studios that have given us on different classes of fully completed (mesh, skin, animated) models (characters, weapons, prefabs, etc.) that range between $800-$6000 USD. We could either reimburse the artist per completed/partial model or they can opt to getting a percentage of the small profits that XrucifiX receives.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Any art tests on this perhaps

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm not 100% sure what you mean?
  • EarthQuake
    heh they actually only stoped licencing it like a month ago(tho i think the deal might have been you had to already have been evaling it to purchase in that time period)...
    are you actually using 1024x768 textures or is that a typo? I hope thats a typo.....

    Good luck and have "fun" with that engine =DD
  • MackXX
    Offline / Send Message
    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    For testing right now we're using 1024x768. Obviously through more playtesting we'll find a happy medium.

    Say 'hey!' to Jess for me. smile.gif
  • EarthQuake
    yeah you dont want to use a resolution like that, the video card will size it down to 1024x512. you need to use textures in powers of 2, ie: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096......
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    That is, unless you're confusing screen resolution with texture resolution.
    Texture resolution is the size of the flat image that is going to be wrapped around your character models or applied to your maps.
    Screen resolution (of which 1024x768 is a valid one) is what you're running the game at.

    Earthquake is right about the powers of two thing for texture resolution. You'd be better off using 1024x1024 textures.
  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    That is, unless you're confusing screen resolution with texture resolution.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Blaerg! That's it, I feel like a total idiot. I've had a bad cold the last few days (and been pumped up on meds, woo!) and I haven't been able to think straight.
  • Soccerman18
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    Soccerman18 polycounter lvl 18
    silly Mack. Hope you're feeling better.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    an art test. such as you provide a concept and simulate the typical workflow when dealing with your current group. the applicants complete this project, and you judge for acceptance into the 'company' as it were.

    i guess i'm just bitter about the license. here i have an actual budget and funding from my own pocket, and i can't afford the quote. Yet here with barely any funds, you were able to. I don't even want to know the price quote. Not being able to continue work with this engine was a major setback to my project, and i've yet to find anything comparable.

    you just better do a damned good job with what you were given, or... i'll be even more bitter and such.
  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    We will try our best, right Mike? smile.gif
  • EarthQuake
    Mack: Hahaha, cough syrup high eh?

    Downsizer: for someone that seems to like to complain about other people not being "bussiness minded" you sure come off as a bit of a dick to this guy here who has done nothing more than be completely proffesional. And while i do understand why you would be bitter i really think its quite rude for you to rant in this, one of the only proffesional posts ever to grace the horror that is the requests board. Maybe next time you can just send an email to stieglitz(or whoever was handling it, im pretty sure it would have been him) and complain to someone who actually had something to do with the situation?

    [edit] Also i believe quotes were issued on the basis of what kind of funding you actually had to spend, and i would assume that the closer they got to the purchase-by deadline the cheaper the price would have gotten. But regardless, this isnt something that really should be discussed on a public forum.
  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    A little terrian;

    An old enemy returns;
  • Downsizer
    Offline / Send Message
    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    You may want to look into importing DEM file data to terragen and exporting out to whatever modeler format you like. Randomly generated terrain looks horrid compared to real geological survey data. I'm sure with teh source you can generate height based texture blending etc.


  • MackXX
    Offline / Send Message
    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks, I'll check that out. smile.gif
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