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oh no another max to maya thread!!

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
okay, i am not going to complain like the usual max to maya thread. i have spent all day digging into the interface and i have found 3dbuzz.com to be an awesome resource so far for the absolute beginner. i am picking up stuff pretty fast and slowly buiding up a list of hotkeys as i learn them. what i want to know is does anyone have a link to a pdf or html file that has all the hotkeys for maya? preferably 6 or above. thats it, any help on this would be great.


  • pyromania
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    pyromania polycounter lvl 18
    In maya, Window>>Settings and Preferences>>Hotkeys>>List All

    a Press SelectAllMarkingMenu
    b Press ModifyUpperRadiusPress
    c Press SnapToCurve
    d Press EnterEditMode
    e Press RotateToolWithSnapMarkingMenu
    f Press FrameSelected
    g Press RepeatLast
    h Press UIModeMarkingMenu
    i Press InsertKeyToolActivate
    j Press MoveRotateScaleToolToggleSnapMode
    k Press TimeDraggerToolActivate
    l Press LockCurveLength
    m Press ModifyDisplacementPress
    n Press ModifyPaintValuePress
    o Press PolyBrushMarkingMenu
    p Press Parent
    q Press SelectMaskToolMarkingMenu
    r Press ScaleToolWithSnapMarkingMenu
    s Press SetKey
    t Press ShowManipulators
    u Press PaintOperationMarkingMenuPress
    v Press SnapToPoint
    w Press TranslateToolWithSnapMarkingMenu
    x Press SnapToGrid
    y Press NonSacredTool
    z Press Undo
    A Press FrameAllInAllViews
    B Press ModifyLowerRadiusPress
    C Press SnapToCurve
    D Press DuplicateWithTransform
    E Press SetKeyRotate
    F Press FrameSelectedInAllViews
    G Press RepeatLastActionAtMousePosition
    H Press ShowSelectedObjects
    I Press SelectIsolate
    J Press MoveRotateScaleToolToggleSnapRelativeMode
    M Press TogglePanelMenubar
    P Press Unparent
    Q Press SelectComponentToolMarkingMenu
    R Press SetKeyScale
    S Press KeyframeTangentMarkingMenu
    V Press SnapToPoint
    W Press SetKeyTranslate
    X Press SnapToGrid
    Z Press Redo
    0 Press DefaultQualityDisplay
    1 Press LowQualityDisplay
    2 Press MediumQualityDisplay
    3 Press HighQualityDisplay
    4 Press DisplayWireframe
    5 Press DisplayShaded
    6 Press DisplayShadedAndTextured
    7 Press DisplayLight
    8 Press PaintEffectsPanel
    F1 Press Help
    F2 Press ShowAnimationUI
    F3 Press ShowModelingUI
    F4 Press ShowDynamicsUI
    F5 Press ShowRenderingUI
    F6 Press ToggleMayaLiveControls
    F8 Press SelectToggleMode
    F9 Press SelectVertexMask
    F10 Press SelectEdgeMask
    F11 Press SelectFacetMask
    F12 Press SelectUVMask
    ` Press SmoothingDisplayToggle
    - Press DecreaseManipulatorSize
    = Press IncreaseManipulatorSize
    [ Press UndoViewChange
    ] Press RedoViewChange
    ' Press SelectCluster_in_Jasper
    , Press PreviousKey
    . Press NextKey
    / Press PickColorActivate
    ~ Press SmoothingDisplayShowBoth
    + Press IncreaseManipulatorSize
    { Press PreviousViewArrangement
    } Press NextViewArrangement
    < Press ShrinkPolygonSelectionRegion
    > Press GrowPolygonSelectionRegion
    Up Press PickWalkUp
    Down Press PickWalkDown
    Left Press PickWalkLeft
    Right Press PickWalkRight
    Page_Up Press SmoothingLevelIncrease
    Page_Down Press SmoothingLevelDecrease
    Insert Press EnterEditMode
    Return Press CompleteCurrentTool
    Space Press ShowHotbox

    I also have this nice PDF that shows the the equivilent 3dsMAX command compared to maya commands.


    This was on Alias's site years ago, but now its near impossible to find anything on their site.
  • arshlevon
    Offline / Send Message
    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    this is perfect thanks a ton!
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    it's probably old news but just in case - ...

    there's a script pack out there on the alias site (developers corner), called omtoolbox. now, i know there are tons of stupid, useless, gimmicky, half-working or simply dog-slow modelling melscripts with often terrible UI's out there but this seems to be "it". the meshtools for maya, if you will, simple and functional.

    check it out, it has - finally - a working, reasonably fast "connect components", a tool for sliding stuff around (like edge constraint in max) and some other neat things, the usual loop, ring, split, blah blah stuff are on board, as well.
    basically it will make you feel home a little more. get the target weld script from highend3d as well as byrons bevel plugin, too and you should be set.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Everything you just mentioned comes with Maya7 standard now. Except the target weld which I think could be handy if it was a toggle.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    those scripts are great. maya 7 has SOME of the functionality of the scripts but not all of them. the connect and target weld are really the only two things that were bothering me. i cant believe maya dosent have a connect tool. its a really basic modeling tool and i have yet to find a package that dosent have it. if maya does have a connect tool then please correct me, and call me a noob.
    the split edge ring tool dosent count. since you can only connect an edge ring. why does maya make all these rules for the tools?? my favorite is the cut tool and not being able to end on the edge you started on. so you have to "renvoke" the tool. what a load of crap.
    okay so now i guess i am offically a complainer.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    malcolm: really? doesn't seem like that here. keep in mind that not everyone always has the latest n' greatest on the desk.

    arsh: since all the tools are scripted, prepare for slowdowns on complex geometry. it's not quite at the speed of meshtools.
    also, unlike max, maya rarely crashes. but you will quite often hit the spot where it just sits there - for unbelievably long times, sometimes minutes! disguising itself very effectively as a dead process, but actually is still doing something, somewhere deep inside.
    keep on complaining, hehe wink.gif
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