Just did the preorder thing and am waiting for the client to finish dl'ing. I know it is lacking some content(from what i've read) but hopefully the dev's will fix this with updates after release. I'm really hoping it's not too terrible as I need a break from WOW and something to tide me over til warhammer online. so, if anyone is playing or has played, what were your impressions?
weak world system, no parties, etc..
Wasn't that engaging and misses one of the main points of D&D. The gamemaster.
Graphically I see a few cool looking things but overall it seems like the artists were not all on the same page . How do you screw up a game that has so much refrence material ? Why are the graphics lower resolution then Final Fantasy online which is already years old ? I guess everyone is hoping to cash in on the WOW craze .
If they really follow 3rd edition rules, it would take ages to level, and the cap would be 20th level, as that is considered 'epic'. I'm guessing it's just like every other mmo. Everquest 2 looks better, and since every mmo was the same to me, i chose that as my time waster.
Also, from what I understand, you do have to group, you can't solo anything and can't go into instances alone. Is that correct?
Mop: Oh cool, what did you work on for the game?
so is this out? i thought it was supposed to come out in feb.
MoP, what's the deal? do you know if we can show our stuff?
You can solo if your character is good enough, and there is nothing in the way preventing that. In fact, I often prefer smaller groups of 2 or 3 people because it's easier to work together than having 6 random people humping doors.
That being said, you will generally level faster with groups, because going solo is a lot more challening so you will be paying more for potions/wands/etc.
The combat is pseudo-realtime in the sense that you right click to attack, and you get 2 or 3 swing combos as you level, but there is still a timer so it's not a clickfest.
On top of the standard affair of clicking to attack, classes also get special attacks on timers that you can work into melee, like Trip and Sunder Armor, and those types of things.
As far as the art goes, I love it. It lacks a single style, but individually the artwork is impressive, and it all works together to form a halfass realistic look to the game.
My favorite artwork are the armor models (aside from the sky dome
So yes, I like it. Will I buy it? I'm still undecided. I'm trying to get a feel for how much content there will be when I hit the max level. So far I have 3 characters at or around 6th level, but I get the feeling that I am running out of things to do soon. The whole reason I play MMOs is because the game doesn't end, so if DDO ends at level 10 then that rather defeats the point.
first Fileplanet was downloading like crap. i tried for two nights to get it from there. checking the DDO boards i see someone say that Firefox/IE have problems downloading large files of 1gb+.
then yesterday i tried getting it DCC from a friend over MIRC. download was going fine until i went to bed where about the time i fell asleep the DCC aborted. we resumed the DCC early this morning and it finally finished downloading. only when i go to install it says 'dndonline.exe is not a valid archive'. checking my filesize against my friends shows mine is a larger file.
In firefox I get an Invalid security text.. which i've done 30 times corerctly. And in IE I get invalid game code. Which I've done 3 times with different codes. Fuck this. It's not worth it.
Edit: Note the link to create an account is wrong for the preview event on the launcher. The signup is at:
If you guys want an involved mmo, nothing has beat eq2 for me at least. There is a free trial of the isles thing. And I can say that the trial does'nt come close to how cool the full world is. I say this now, but I know in another 25 levels i'll get bored again.