Home Full time/Part time work

Looking for Contract Artists (Multiple Positions)

polycounter lvl 17
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RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
I am looking to outsource some game content to the right people.

We are looking for artists who <font color="red">have experience</font> with texturing weapons or vehicles.


2500 Tris max (No Normal Maps)

Metal : 1024x1024
Wood : 1024x1024

Or just 1


Specular Map

Additional Maps may be specified


10,000 tris max (Specific Parts Normal Mapped)


or Multiple smaller sizes depending on the vehicle.

Specular Map

Additional Maps may be specified


Capable of Accurately Animating Humans using Maya or Max
Rigging is Beneficial but not necessary
Good Attention to Detail

Please submit a <font color="red">link only</font> to your existing portfolio or content. Anyone who submits files will not be considered. SO DO NOT SEND FILES just a link, if you do not have online content, please state it in the email and we will make arrangements.

If you have set rates (hourly, per piece etc) Please clearly state them

Please outline your availability


This is not a studio position, you do not need to move, this is a remote contract.

Best Regards
Ronan Hayes


  • Fuse
    Offline / Send Message
    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    sent an email your way
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Please remember to put your best foot forward, while you may be more than capable of doing the job if I cant judge from your previous work that you are capable of the quality needed then unfortunately you may be overlooked. Thus far most have sent in quality applications, while others simply do not show or outline the work that they are most proud/happy of.

    So please be sure to send on links to your best work. Or at least let me know you have work and we can arrange to view that.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    im confused. Your website shows a HL2 mod, yet you only require artists who know Max or Maya when HL2 was made in XSI.

    Did you recently switch over to the Reality Engine laugh.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    And if you're switching to the Reality Engine, does that mean you'll be using the Unreal Engine 3?
  • RonanHayes
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    RonanHayes polycounter lvl 17
    Right, we've been using the Reality Engine for nearly a year now, building onto it adding features etc. We managed to get our licence prior to any going on's with Epic.

    No we will not be using Unreal3, that said I believe there is an upgrade deal for RE developers to move to U3.

    The HL2 and BF2 mods are merely for publicity, indie games usually dont get the press or traffic that they deserve. While even the most half wit mod with a few weapon renders could see huge traffic. So we opted to create 2 quick mods for both, pull in the traffic and its worked a charm so far. Since most people hang around the forums, and ask a few questions they realise how good the full game is shaping up to be.

    Again we are indie, everything that is paid comes from my pocket. While I am happy to pay out what I can, I do have limits since I am currently getting the Characters and Animations outsourced as well. So please bear this in mind.

    I must also urge you to please send on links to your best work. (And make sure your site works)
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah, if you we're already a RE licensee you could have gotten a discounted price on UE3, but chances are most developers that are using RE couldnt really even think about affording UE3 even at the reduced price(talking about a 10 fold difference in most cases iirc).
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