anyone had shit happen today?
C: corrupted totally while recovering a CD with isobuster today, making win2k unbootable (no nt bootloader), so I reformatted C:, and reinstalled windows. luckily my windows was on

and nothing important was on C:, so I just frigged with C:\boot.ini to include my old windows installation and all is normal now.
Jessica Marshall, born Friday, December 13, 1996.
So she's immune from the bad luck thing.
Which helps, with this family's rep.
My mom, a waitress and bartender who has been conditioned by her business to believe in such things, is scheduled to call me tonight by 7 or 8 to ask what horrific things have happened to me today. When I say "... nothing, as usual ...", she will launch into her part of our tradition, which is to tell me all the minor coincidences that befell her, all proof of a supernatural conspiracy that gains demonic power every Friday 13th. I will roll my eyes and try to steer her from the silly, hateful subject. Then we will probably talk about her cat.
My satellite dish is another story though... it also went down. I received replacement boxes for the satellite yesterday and today the one for my living room is getting NO signal
I did get approval for a new car today though... not sure if that's a good or bad thing yet though
taco bell gave me extra tacos and i gave them to three homeless guys.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats really cool killing.
I was also born on Friday the 13th.
Uh...I got paid today! And got paid for the 1 week of vacation I'm entitled too for last year, but never took. (workaholic)
Cut my chin shaving (on a mole, started at @ 9:30, didn't stop till 1:30) (My chin now seems to have all the red blood vessells at the surface of my chin, fun fun)
Go to college and be the only person there, so I was on my tod for 3 hours
Smash my knee against the desk causing huge pain for several minutes.
Running, and tripped..skinned my knees like a bitch, and couldn't walk for like...almost an hour.
Here in America, we set cows on fire and call them burgers.
Boreing crunch work involving UV fixes cuz...I dont even wanna talk about it *sighs* Traffic on 101 up the ass to and from the airport, and i have to work tommorow too *arg*
Sharon blew up the cylon ship, then shot Adama 2x's center mass...that was shocking.
So...bad luck for the crew, but I enjoyed watching.