This is sorta general for all areas..
If you aren't going to reply to emails, don't give out the business card to random people interested in your company. It's just rude to do that. You could have been honest during the conversation and said you preferred not to give it out.
You otherwise come off as another two face sell out who's too passive aggressive.
Thank you for your time.

Im in one of "those" moods.
I'll be goddamned if I am going to give somebody a card that means I will get yet another phonecall in the middle of my day.
I hate the phone. And I mean the regular normal person landline pone. I hate to hear the phone ring at work. If it rings more than once I am cussing. I hate it even more if it is for me! I never answer the phone at home umless caller ID identifies it to be someone who I want to talk to.
Don't even get me started on cell phones, they are the work of satan!!!
Business cards started all this shit, so I never give any of them out.
Maybe you shouldn't have begged for the business card then.
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I didn't beg. Biaaatch.
A card would imply that they at least have enough respect to take your email responses Which was specifically asked permission to do.
I dont know where contract or such came from? Thats your own issues coming through.. so kill and xeno.. is that what happened to you in the past? You took a card to mean a job? If so then see Paks response.
If said person doesnt want to do it. Then don't. As below...
I'll be goddamned if I am going to give somebody a card that means I will get yet another phonecall in the middle of my day.
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Now see? That is a verdict I can respect!
Not this mansy pansy "I don't have enough guts to simply say no".
Cmon all you people out there.. practice!
N - O
I learned my lesson. I used to give business cards to extended family, but then they start sending me junk e-mail and calling me on my work phone. Now I just tell them I'm out.
That's why I stick to just dropping my business card into those little bins at restaurants to get free meals.
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Ha. When I worked at Quiznos, we never checked that thing. Eventually, we decided it would be funny to call the very first person that put their card in, a whole year earlier. So we pulled out the bottom card, called the number. Turns out that guy was dead, and had been for 6 months. It was a VFW card, so I guess he was just old.
We all felt kind of awkward for a few minutes.