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Bruno - Nazi Thug Whore

polycounter lvl 18
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steady polycounter lvl 18
This model is based off of Frank Miller's character Bruno from Batman: Dark Knight Returns. I was reading it and I was like, "Damn, thats one badass bitch!" so I decided to have a go at modeling her. At first I thought she was a man because of her strong jawline, huge towering stature, and buzzcut, but then you see those fake breasts with nazi swastikas on them and youre like, "frank miller you sneaky bastard!"
She carries a german MP40 and tries to fill batman full of lead but he smashes her up real good.
Here are some quick ortho sketches I drew up for this project:
And here we have the model so far. Took me about 2 weeks of on and off sessions of about half an hour or so. She is currently 2528 triangles, I was aiming for UT2k4 specs.



I was hoping to get some crits before I unwrap her, I am unsure about her neck area, hands, boobs, and ass. I used Steed's Modeling book tips on the boobs and ass obviously. The boobs are supposed to look fake. Also, should I model the belt? if I do, should I model the pants strips that hold the belt in place?
Thanks guys!


  • e_x
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    e_x polycounter lvl 20
    Brigitte Nielsen!
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    hahaha, I was thinking the same thing.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    She looks like she's falling over, just pull the top half back a bit, and remember the S shape of the body. Boobs definately look fake. I don't think you have to model the belt, as it doesn't protrude that much, so a texture will be fine.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Just because the T and A are your favorite parts of this shemale, doesn't mean you need to put all your geometry into them (i noticed the paul steed influence before reading your post, those low poly Q3 days are fading). This concept frightens me to begin with, and not just because her nips are shaped like swastikas. I guess it shows better in the comics. Don't forget, the opposite side of the titty section is called the back. And muscular...things have back muscles. The neck on your model looks like it was pasted on to an unfinished torso. Some serious kyphosis going on.

    Btw, it's face looks like AHHhhnold! To tha choppa nahw!
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    face looks like who?

    I too saw the Steed stamp on this..but you haven't gone all the way. To paraphrase the man himself "You can't have a big rack without a good back",(something like that anyway. I'm not going to read the whole book again to find the exact quote). Perhaps you're following your ref too literally, as it has the same stoop. I'm looking forward to this - in a sick kinda way.
  • Mr Ray
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    Mr Ray polycounter lvl 18
    i wouldnt of used spheres for her boobs and arse, its a big poly wastage.
  • -DN-
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    -DN- polycounter lvl 18
    Im not sure if any other modelers do this, but I Imagine the model as is(on my screen) in real life and if it doesnt look believable(doesnt mean it has to be realistic) I go back to work until it is. When I picture your model as if it were a real life character next to me IRL it scares the bajesis outa me. Maybe do a self portrait in 3D so you always have easy refrence while you work.. or start small with just a bust, or copy of your foot. Other than that the concept doesnt intrest me much... needs more style, less short cuts, welding spheres onto a box mesh to form a character isnt how its done(best to avoid learning bad techniques before they are a habit). theres tons of material on theres forums with WIP shots of edge loops.. low poly mesh construction and plenty of offsite links.

    *It would be nice to see a more refined concept b4 the modeling stage also
  • Daedalus
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    Daedalus polycounter lvl 19
    nah its not Brigitte Nielsen it dolph lungdren with nazi-breast implant. har har !!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    hahah... a very iconic character, good choice for a modeling project steady. looking forward to seeing you bring out the inimitable FM style to 3d, or at least giving it a go! smile.gif
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    Steady, you and Frankie should get a room.
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