Looks like someones going to be feeling some heat at work today.
On his webpage, Josh Robinson writes, I am a 27 year old 3D artist with 9 years of professional experience. I have been very busy this last year trying to make a name for myself within the industry. Well Josh, looks like youve done that.
The rumor mill churned out this doozy of a quote from Josh. It goes:
"Ive spent some time the past year developing for the PS3. Actually it was a cinematic demo to be shown at e3 in 2005 at a closed door viewing. I was one of the few artists selected to work on it for the demo. My job was primarily asset creation. I was creating assets to populate the path where our camera would be flying during the demo. The company I work for is also working on a launch title that I am quite familiar with. In short, Ive spent some time around the PS3 and or the teams developing for it.
Now Ive spoken with people who are on the technical side of the PS3. Ive also talked with people on the technical side of the XBOX 360. The consistent comment I am hearing from people on my end is, The XBOX 360 is better. They are saying that it is capable of just doing more."

less is more
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nintendo lover
The XBOX 360 is better
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At what? And who is this guy? No specifics are given, so it's his personal opinion, considering he admits to not have any experience working with the 360. So you have to wonder what the deal is with this article, and why a thread about it. Perhaps the PS3 will suck. Who cares? Nintendo's games will be just as fun anyway, even if it doesn't sell as well at release, and have less power. At least the power supply won't melt. Look how the popularity of the DS has grown over time, while the fragile PSP gets even more annoying with those damn cheese commercials.
My 360 PSU doesn't get hot, and my PSP is perfectly fine. My DS however, has dead pixels and a broken left speaker.
Nintendo's products are just as fragile as others.
For the 99.5% that didn't have their sense of fun surgically removed, that is.
My DS however, has dead pixels and a broken left speaker.
[/ QUOTE ]
Contact Nintendo about it. They are very good about replacing broken hardware for free.
Epic shows Unreal Tournament 2007 on a PS3 and it looks great.
What's left to debate? Same company, same engine, same graphics -- better graphics than every other game (sans MGS4). Obviously neither console is about to blow the other out of the water.
The revolution is the only unknown at this point, really.
Epic shows Gears of War on an XBox360 and it looks great.
Epic shows Unreal Tournament 2007 on a PS3 and it looks great.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure it was proven that either of those games were actually shown on the actual consoles, but rather super fast PC's.
Vassago: maybe you should get that replaced sometime. And maybe you should look harder, but I don't know what your idea of fun is.
My DS however, has dead pixels and a broken left speaker.
[/ QUOTE ]
Contact Nintendo about it. They are very good about replacing broken hardware for free.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely a change from their initial business practices.
your mom's a better console!
Think about it. It uses cells, that comunicate to each other all sectret like, and no one knows how powerful they are when they work together.
See it... see it!?
The PS3 is evil!
My DS however, has dead pixels and a broken left speaker.
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Contact Nintendo about it. They are very good about replacing broken hardware for free.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely a change from their initial business practices.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, they had to change. Having samurais slaughter your card painters because they painted a line wrong is an ineffective way of doing business.
make fun games...
Bah. Console wars are silly. If it has games you like, then get it. If not, who cares?
Marcus Dublin