When I have worked in house, yes. With contract work, the studio may get a copy, but I will have to get one for myself (no problam, as they are normally cheap titles anyway )
Neversoft gave me twelve copies of Tony Hawk American Wasteland covering all the platforms it was released on, even the handhelds. And twelve copies of GUN on all it's platforms (except PC).
Mythic gave me a copy of the games I worked on. TRI didn't, but by the time they all got their copies I wasn't employed there anymore, so I understand.
Coleco = Initially, no copies. Then only copies of games you actually worked on. Had to buy my own ColecoVision.
Freelance = usually got a couple copies of the PC game and half a dozen copies of any paper and pencil RPG game products I worked on.
TSR (RPG product) = got one copy of every stinking product the company produced (usually 6 or more a month), but something like 6 copies of games with my cover or art in it (between TSR and freelancing, I have TONS of RPG product ... eventually going to have to Ebay some of it).
id = several copies of all games we produced, plus at least one copy of games using an id IP developed elsewhere.
Ensemble/Microsoft = several copies of each version of each game that the studio itself creates (not ports or licensed IP).
NOTE: Any developer/publisher that is too stingy to give one (or more) copies of a game that an artist works on is likely to be questionable in other dealings too (IMHO).
I've gotten one copy of each game I worked on too. Officially, I mean; Epic tends to leave big boxes of their games scattered around the studio, meaning that I could theoretically have gotten more than one copy of something, but I didn't need them so didn't take.
At my current job, I expect to get one single copy of Hellgate ... but fortunately my contract also states that I get 666 unborn souls, pure and innocent, to do with as I please. That's pretty cool.
At my current job, I expect to get one single copy of Hellgate ... but fortunately my contract also states that I get 666 unborn souls, pure and innocent, to do with as I please. That's pretty cool.
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Unless you're not in-house, we're studio neighbors.
If not... well then let's never speak of this again. The pain would simply be too great to bear.
For the contract work I did I never recieved a copy of the game(had to buy it on my own), however I know the non-contract people got a copy of the game/tshirt.
I've gotten copies of both the games I've worked on. They would be given to us by the publisher. We'd get a bunch of PS2 versions, and some GC and XBox ones. The producer would then ask us to choose 2 versions we would like and then we would get one.
Isn't there a new law though about this kind of thing since the whole Enron scandel ? At least in America . I think that is what Fry was saying about not getting a Xbox360 he had to go out and buy his own even though he is the President of Microsoft games . Free products have to be filed now as part of your income ..something like that ?
Simbin gave me both GTR and GTLegends, I didn't get a copy of PGR3 as I worked through an outsourcing company. I think pretty much if you work directly with the company then you get free copies. I think how b1ll does it is good though, make sure it's in the contract
aye, i've got a free copy of everything i've done.
[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. Weather I've wanted it, or not. haha
Mythic gave me a copy of the games I worked on. TRI didn't, but by the time they all got their copies I wasn't employed there anymore, so I understand.
Freelance = usually got a couple copies of the PC game and half a dozen copies of any paper and pencil RPG game products I worked on.
TSR (RPG product) = got one copy of every stinking product the company produced (usually 6 or more a month), but something like 6 copies of games with my cover or art in it (between TSR and freelancing, I have TONS of RPG product ... eventually going to have to Ebay some of it).
id = several copies of all games we produced, plus at least one copy of games using an id IP developed elsewhere.
Ensemble/Microsoft = several copies of each version of each game that the studio itself creates (not ports or licensed IP).
NOTE: Any developer/publisher that is too stingy to give one (or more) copies of a game that an artist works on is likely to be questionable in other dealings too (IMHO).
At my current job, I expect to get one single copy of Hellgate ... but fortunately my contract also states that I get 666 unborn souls, pure and innocent, to do with as I please. That's pretty cool.
At my current job, I expect to get one single copy of Hellgate ... but fortunately my contract also states that I get 666 unborn souls, pure and innocent, to do with as I please. That's pretty cool.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unless you're not in-house, we're studio neighbors.
If not... well then let's never speak of this again. The pain would simply be too great to bear.
Volition gives us 1 copy of the game for each platform. thats what happened with punisher.
I didn't get a boxed copy of the original though...it was available for download anyways.
DICE gave me a free copy of BF:V as a contractor. As an outsourcing company we sometimes get free copies, but most of the time we don't.
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That seems to be the case