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Building models

polycounter lvl 17
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Benjie polycounter lvl 17
I was wondering if i could see some of the buidling models from the "professionals" aswell as there wireframe so i can get an idea of how people use the edges and such.
(any kind of buildings)
(any number of poly)

(sry if this is in the wrong thread)

also if there are any tutorials or any tips any one knows about or has I will be happy if i could here them


  • Mark Dygert
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    I was going to post some of my buildings but then I realized I'm not a "professional" and you are looking for "professionals" to post some of thier "professional" buildings. If you couldn't tell from my tone I don't like it when people start drawing lines between Pro and Non-Pro. Especially with members on polycount. We are all artists, some are more advanced than others and some happen to be employed. Much like when someone gets thier drivers license for the first time, it doesn't mean they are the best artist/driver they will ever be, that comes with practice and time. Just because you've been made, doesn't mean you have arived.

    Empolyment in the industry doesn't nessesarily always mean quality of work. The term profesional means very little. I know a bunch of artists that are not in the industry but do pro lvl work. I also have seen a bunch of "pro work" that should have NEVER made it to store shelves.

    If it's raw models you want to see, I suggest you load up a game and find some mod tools for it. That way you can gorge yourself on models wireframes and textures until you pop. You will also be able to spin them around and break them down. Just don't start using them as your own. Thats a big no no.

    As for the tutorials, the tutorials section of polycount.com is a wonderful place to start. After that, I would check profiles of memebers, they often have pesonal sites that have tutorials.
  • Benjie
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    Benjie polycounter lvl 17
    Well sorry to offend you in some way. but by saying "professional" I meant basically everyone that posts at this site, since to me a lot of people here look professional.

    Again sorry, I didnt mean to offend anyone

    and I have already looks through some portfolios and links, but it still seems like a lot do characters.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Whoa there, Vig. Good point though, employed != talented.

    I second the advice of modding. Pick apart a game level in a level editor, should give you some ideas. UnrealEd is a good choice. Even though it's older tech, much of the advice still holds true.
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