Oh come one Hawken, you'll only feed his ego even more!
You should smudge all the pixels so it's all soft and blobby, and use that for a desktop, maybe he'll feel hurt and rejected. And give it lipstick!
As to the konfabulator question, not much difference, I guess. When I was looking for a desktop widget engine, AveDesk had just been released, and working with less resource overheads than konfab. Now the ShowCase function has meant I can clean up my dektop completely and lose the dock, which could cause problems when it came up during full-screen games.
Clearly the solid white one in the middle is of great importance to the others and require their protection. This sort of behaviour is quite common among these sophisticated animals and is the reason they have survived for so long.
Sorry Slum, I went to bed without answering your question. The icons are taken from the various GANT sets released by Matthan over at deviant art. A quick SEARCH for top rated icons shows them all near the top of the list.
Took a picture the other morning, turned out to be almost exactly the same location as another pic last summer. This is on my drive in to work. It just finished snowing, a big soft blanket.
Decided to go with a less is more type desktop from now on
[/ QUOTE ]
God damn, I saw that guys CG on CGTalk..and I almost crapped my pants!
(I guess this explains much)
WinXP with Extensis theme
AveDesk 1.3, my icons are only visable with ShowCase activated. Clean desktop!
I use this as my desk top these days:
by bill
You should smudge all the pixels so it's all soft and blobby, and use that for a desktop, maybe he'll feel hurt and rejected. And give it lipstick!
Jon - Just out of curiousity, what makes Avedesk different from something like Konfabulator?
As to the konfabulator question, not much difference, I guess. When I was looking for a desktop widget engine, AveDesk had just been released, and working with less resource overheads than konfab. Now the ShowCase function has meant I can clean up my dektop completely and lose the dock, which could cause problems when it came up during full-screen games.
Full size:
Free Photoshop plugin to save as .ico files. Have fun yall
<font color="orange">Click for Full</font>
Heres mine:
I am now using these;
Matt Wilson's original art
Cygnar_02a_1024 Minus original art
I can't decide on which one(s) to use so I have these set to cycle each time I log-in or restart.
A little late in the month - but I'm usually inspired to change my desktop by this thread!