Changed my mind I do need help
whats the best way of shaving off keyframes? We have a character entrance sequence which needs to be mightily reduced, but our current efforts with resample curve and simplify curve are still ending up with massive anim files and slidey ice skate feet. any suggestions appreciated
we have the character rigged up with a bunch of IK stuff, and we parent all those to locators, so no animation is on the actual bones. then, we bake the animation down onto the bones so there is a key on every frame like you describe, optimise out un-neccecarry keyframes (such as keys that don't change from frame to frame, or very slight changes), then export a file to the engine.
without the optimising step, the file output is too big for the engine to manage (its a longish anim for ps2). The resulting keys are indeed interpreted linearly, but if we've chopped the right ones out it won't look too much worse.
the difficulty is using the tools to chop the right keys out, we're getting some kind of inconsistent results- the reduce curve option seems to take some keys out of a straight row, but not all of them. Looking for tips on using reduce curve (think thats the name) and resample curve