One scientist and one retired patent officer have a proposal on how to create a hyperdrive (as seen in SciFi flicks) using a pretty unknown scientific theory and a paper pretty vague on details.
That really reads like a prank.
one of the grounding principles that scientists have to come to terms with is that gravity, in it's traditional understanding, makes little to no sense when compared to every other "universal" model.
There is a growing understanding that gravity is better understood in Waves that push, not a phantom force that pulls.
These waves are not emited as such but follow all the rules and principles of other reasonable explanations (light, sound etc). Gravity is now being understood as a sort of energy that is called "space". The more space you have, the more gravity accumilates. The larger density you occuipy in space, the greater the effect of gravity.
Although I don't understand it fully, I have read a bit on this and had a hard time going along with it at first. What they now understand is that if you can block out space's effect on matter, you create a form of leviatation. Theres some crazy scientists who have been doing this for a while using electromagnetism. The unfortunate side effect is that this process tends to rip at the very core of what keeps matter together and totally destroys what you are trying to levitate. It may be a long while before we see anti-grav using this process, but for propulsion, theres no reason whey the theory cannot be put to the test.
Although it's hard to agree that Quantum physics actually exists when you make gravity in waves, because they are no longer "stolen" from another universe in time-space. Gravity as a weak force from another dimensional plane (being the widely accepted theory) is such bullshit anyway! Scentists just get off on the catchphrases, number crunching them selves into deranged ideas that are indeed provable, but only to a certain level... and not in anyway compatible with the unified theory of everything. Unless we're using dimensional planes.
har har
nonetheless, cool gravity theories hawken
Back to the topic in hand, what bothers me is that if one or the other theory is correct (quantum physics vs space waves), if you choose the wrong theory, you will undoubtably run out of room to calculate effects of gravity. This is actually why the widely accepted Multi-Dimension stuff exists. They ran out of room and needed to come up with something new. Bit like windows 98.
String theory has also been challenged recently.
my advice; don't believe any of it. we may well have been better off in caves! (referring to the longevity of the human race)