Ok, just got a call from PRS-Phil, he survived the arttest at Rabcat Entertainment, located in Vienna.
Lets welcome him back after a half year of unemployment in the games industry again!
And yeah, and he will be my roomie! (jesus, I expect a lot of geekshit in this comunity...)
So we gonna party on....have a drink for him.
I need to make a trip to Vienna now to harrass the two of you.
are we back to being naughty again now?
i know *i wouldn't leave that hippy mountain village of yours for the world..
god damn!
Marcus Dublin
Damn I didn`t know you didn`t have a job all this time...
sry for the late reply, my internet is down
Great to have the chance to work in the industry again and to move together with my good friend shimmer.
Allthough I was only unemployed for 3 months but yes longer away from the gameindustry, I´m not THAT lazy :P
Thx again to all the people that have helped me alot through this hard period of personal change and keped me going with their profound expierence, good advice and inspiring friendship.
So, YES, time to get naughty again
Things to learn, great people to work with ... I like it