Okay folks 2006 is here and Im wondering what are the top ten games youre looking forward to the most big or small? Heres my list, whats yours?
1.Gears of Wars / Will it be the Sh&%t?
2.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess / because its Zelda!
3.Final Fantasy XII / because its Final Fantasy!
4.Half-Life 2: Aftermath / mmmm More HL goodness!
5.Mega Man X Collection / Nothing beat's reliving my childhood with the blue bomber!
6.Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII / A true sequel to FF7 staring Vincent Valentine, yes!
7.Kingdom Hearts II / the first one was classic and Im looking forward to another adventure.
8.Halo 3 / Does this even need and explanation!
9.Splinter Cell Double Agent / this will have to tide me over until MGS4.
10.The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion / I was never a big Morrowind fan but this looks interesting!
What a surprise lots of sequels haha but who knows there may be a Shadow of Colossus out there or a God of War!
2. Hl2 Aftermath.
3. UT2007?
Kingdom Hearts 2
Mass Effect
Resident Evil 5
UT2007 (maybe. Im getting tired of the same game with new graphics thing...)
Kinda odd... Usually Im looking forward to a lot more stuff with a lot more enthusiasm... What am I missing/
it just looks so damn sexy! (and the crappy jpg makes it look like they even managed to get bilinear filtering on the go, which isn't possible in the hardware but you never know!)
Children of Mana comes out over here very, very soon!
Thats why they might pull stuff that shouldnt be possible.
2. Stalker
And hopefully we get to se some screens from Fallout 3 during 2006.=D
Also 3d = more animations usually and different costumes etc. with low dev/resource cost.
And the little 3d chars are just too cute!
us poor europeans are still waiting to get our hands on Shadow of the Colossus too ... probably the last game i'll buy for ps2
Hellgate London
And others already mentioned.
Hmmm, and I am not really a big RPG player
2. Gears of Wars
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4. UT2k7
5. Half-Life 2: Aftermath
6. Prey
8. MGS 4
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars would be up there with top 3 but as a release date isn't announced, we can but dream.
My list:
1. Supreme Commander! (assuming that's a 2006 title, of course)
2. Prey
3. Revolution release (at least to see what it offers, won't necessarily buy it immediately)
4. Hm... Animal Crossing: Wild World?
(Dis)Honourable mention: That game I ordered last month and that DHL is still taking its sweet time on with delivering.
That's all I'm really looking foward to.
the Maybe list
Gears of War
UT2K7(I'll be getting it but I don't know that i'm on the edge of my seat for anything more than the graphics)
Quake4 kinda turned me off of prey, from the videos it seems to be the same damn thing with just new fancy ways to go places and new cut scenes.
Halo 3
Burnout Revenge
Star Wars: Empire at War
Neverwinter Nights 2
HL2 Aftermath
Final Fantasy XII
- Wolfenstein 360 (next Castle Wolfenstein game, although most likely not out till 2007)
Actually it's whatever I can afford, haha.
Further down the pipe I'd go with Zelda and Revolution stuff in general because dammint, I want to try it.
2. Spore. (this does come out 2006, correct?)
3. Dead Rising: Thousands of zombies on screen at once. 'Nuff Said.
2: Mass Effect
3: Dragon Age
4: Oblivion
5: Zelda
6: Diablo 3
7: NWN 2
8: FF12
9: FF 7 (2)
10: Gears of War / UT2007
Star Trek Online ?
Lost Planet
Alan Awake
D&D online
Star Trek Online ?
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God I hope not. So far I haven't been drawn into a MMPOG addiction or even want.
Though I do hope they base it on rank. I want to start out as a ensign and work my way up to captain.
Hawken: I'd say most importantly because it's Square and they usually don't use sprites if they can avoid it.
[/ QUOTE ]
heh, you didn't see those 1 million games released at the end of the PS1 lifespan, that used sprites on 3d, then?
oXY: Yes but how would they properly turn Star Trek into an MMO? Each person a crewman? Only ground combat? Each player a ship? I'm betting it involves grinding 20 hours in ground combat before you even get to use a shuttle.
Front Mission 5
Neo Geo Battle Collosuem (I know I spelled that wrong)
Thats it... Everything else has been so watered down i'm not lookin forward to it. FF12 battle system is wonky, plays more like vagrant story than a FF game.
I dunno, all these new titles make me feel old. I just can't get into them as well as the older more story and imagination drivin titles.
hl2: aftermath and spore if it comes out this year.
metal gear 4. i wanna see if gears of war and killzone stand up to their hype.
if Vermeulen is refering to nexiuz as his game, i'm looking forward to seeing that complete as well.
Rise of Legends
Supreme Commander
Hellgate: London
The Witcher
Vampyre Story
Broken Sword 4
Sam and Max2
Half-Life 2: Aftermatch
Alien Swarm: Infested
They Hunger: Lost Souls (!!)
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Unreal Tournament2007
feeling quite excited now :]
The Gothic series is sooo much of of a better game, hands down
How dare me.. I forgot bioshock.
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Exactly my thought after having a look at the gamespy article
/hangs head in shame...
I'd like to see something running on teh revolution before i drool over it. I have mono, so I doubt i'll have the energy to wave that controller wand thing around much. And if it's required for games, they may loose the business of lazy people.