Howdy all
Im having an annoying prob with Max7,basically all im trying to do is export a model in .OBJ format for the mod im working on.
But I tick the Texture Co-ordinates box in the export menu then when I import the .obj into max (or any other program) the Co-ordinates seem to reset themselves.
Ive tried resetting the X-Form,centring the gizmo,and collapsing the stack to Editable mesh but thats not made any difference.
In .3ds its fine,but I really need the model in .Obj.
Any ideas?
Your good
Yes,I think thats the answer,I messed with those settings before but didn't push them up hi enough has reimported to max and the Co-Ordinates are fine.
Btw what is the standard number and what exacly is taht doing? curious hehe.
No standard number AFAIK, as long as file size is not an issue for you. If it is an issue, then try testing different #s, see how far you can go. Similar to JPG.