Over the past two days, there have been a series of storms that have wreaked havok in California, and here in Nevada. Some rivers here in Reno are 10ft + over their flood plane. Luckily it's not that bad in south Reno yet, by my place. But things are only going to get worse. The water levels are still rising, and Carson City (capital) just declared a state-of-emergency. In a few hours, the rain is going to convert to snow fall, and the temp is going to drop to around freezing. Great way to bring in '06, eh?
Are any of you guys here also suffering from these storms?
The rain was pouring so hard I was hydroplaning all over the place. The wind was so strong it was shaking the car. I was tempted to take El Camino real all the way home, but toughed it out.
I can't imagine the airprot authorizing any departures in this weather.
Driving in Cali sucks...ass. That goes double with storms.
I really wish we got some storms down here sometimes..
you won't believe what happenned here!!
it was so cloudy and thick i swear i spotted some lightening bolts under my chair :~
(but shotgun ... man ... that sucks even more! But on the other hand, it's kind of cool, isn't it?)
happy new years beeyatchez
143 Green monster!
I plan on driving back to Chico tomorrow, so hopefully I won't run into too much trouble. On the way here from Chico, highway 36 had a couple places were the road was flooded, and that was more than a week ago (before all the rain). At least I drive a big 4x4 truck, but still.
Spent all day new year's eve up on the very slick roof of this house nailing down sheets of plastic over my parent's bedroom, as their ceiling lamp had become a ceiling fountain overnight...
@pak: plane took off at 12:50 or something....was delayed twice