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Job! Shim is "in" too....

polycounter lvl 18
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_Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
Because I also want some prestige of being congratulated I need to make my own thread:

From next year on, I am an offcial Rockstar!

I will be working at Rockstar Vienna, doing mostly props, env, weapons, funky stuff.... then later switch to characters as I proof my self to make awesome nextgen characters...

I turned down a lot of company offers and put my universtiy application response (8,8 from 9 points, wow) in a little dark box. I hope it was a good idea and the job doesnt turn out bad....

Heh, 6 months wait and bugging on Rick constantly......

thanks go out for:
-Rick, for some info about r*v
-Phil, my all nights long chatbitch supporting me in my hours of uneasiness, and will hopefully be my roommate in vienna (I imagine, tons of dirt in the flat)
-Poop, for being his all nights long chatbitch and supported me with bad jokes and called me grumpy and whatnot. (why the hell thank for that, hahahah)
-The polycount communitiy for good critics and nice, inpirational atmosphere.

Thank you and good night!


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