On the top you will notice an attempt at making a normal map highpoly(unsmoothed)I need it to be symetrical before I smooth,so I try symtry modifier and it freezes,I try it again.It freezes.
I try another modifier,It freezes.
I give up.
On the bottom image I can't use symetry because the box around it(whats that box called?)
I also noticed taht google earth ripped of 3dsmax's 7s color pallete.
to do this go to the ... utilities panel... (i think that's where it is).. you might have to click that little "..." button to pull up a list of other tools. Find that button and use select your weirded mesh and reset it. That should solve the bizzarre angled bounding box.
Next convert the object to edit poly or mesh to seal the deal.
Sometimes when you reset xform it does weird things to the normals themselves. Youmight have to add a "Normal" modifier to the object and unify and flip them till they look right. After that do another 'convert to edit mesh' again... that might help you out.
to do this go to the ... utilities panel... (i think that's where it is).. you might have to click that little "..." button to pull up a list of other tools. Find that button and use select your weirded mesh and reset it. That should solve the bizzarre angled bounding box.
[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously folks, ALWAYS reset the transform in max. I have this in our workflow at work, before we start to rig anything the transforms need to be reset by the artist who made the model. Just in case. And then when Erik or I take it to rig, we reset them again. Just in case.
Also, we've had several bugs when generating normal maps, and all have been down to either the low-res or the hi-res mesh not having transforms reset.