what are you gonna change in your life this new year?. I have quite long list, but haven't figured it all out yet.
Ideally I would like to live in europe for a while, just having fun and broadening my horizons( until the money runs out)

I feel a little burnt out work wise , that old enthusiasm is waning a little, so i figure I need a bit of a break.
pay them with mince pies
Learn to play piano.
Finish my animation piece.
Start work on portfolio pieces
Finish that starwars comic
Finish that Midnight comic
Start that web comic or at least set up my website.
Polish up my RPG setting and move it out of D20 so its fully mine.
Get a girlfriend without trying.
2. Join a figure drawing class to get better at sketching
3. work harder on my folio, make more building, environments, etc.
4. find a job making 3d art, again.
10. Post more so i can get a "dedicated polycounter" under my name.
2. hire hencman
3. mastermind the most stupid plan ever
4. blackmail NATO
5. capture super secret agent
6. let super secret agent escape
7. get my ass kicked by the super secret agent
8. go to jail
9. escape
10. start over but thats propably 2007 allready
my resolution's still 3200 x 1200...
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Marcus Dublin
- Lose 80 pounds (190 is the 'ideal' weight for being 6'1")
- Get a better job (my current job is, err, 'unstable')
- Pay off debt (due to my job)
- Do more portfolio work with normal mapping
- Get all of my teeth pulled, and get fake chompers (long story)
-Keep up with the 'not smoking' thing
-daily excerise again (new car has = lazy ass Ross)
Oh yeah, and i like EQ's rez, I'll take one of those too *wink*
Improve my relationship with my fiance
Move to a downtown loft in Indianapolis
Loose 20 more lbs and eat healthier
Finish my portfolio
Study and convert to Roman Catholicism before my wedding
Guess thats a heavy year. Sigh.
Of things I need to do in 2006, my number one is getting a job. Otherwise, keep making the weekly comics, and keep saving money. Figuring out relationships would be nice too. I can't seem to stay in them very long.
Oh yeah, and i like EQ's rez, I'll take one of those too *wink*
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If you can't pull that off in this area, you're hopeless
But also aim to maybe get some contract work and do more packs to sell online.
reckon i got a long way to go ...
$5 for 100 gold... i mean come on, can you beat that? I'm gonna be RICH BEEYATCH
2. Start exercise program in January (my son is getting his own apartment mid January, so we won't be carpooling into work any more -- my son is also an artist at Ensemble)
3. Resolve all the stuff needed to regain the rights to a book series I wrote so I can republish it.
4. Be ready for all the things that have to be done prior to my marriage in July.
- i will not suck
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you left out 'gargoyle cock'
But it is a good new years resolution