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Vitamins / organic food.

polycounter lvl 18
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swampbug polycounter lvl 18
So Does anyone here take vitamins, extracts, or some other kind of natural health product on a regular basis?

I went to an super healthy "organic" groccery store today. Picked up some things, and was floored at how many bizzare vitamins and extracts they had. Not that a local groccery store doesnt have its own vitamin shelfs, but this place had bizzare stuff. Willow bark extract?

Aside from eating normal foods.
I take a multivitamens, 1000 MG vitamen C tablets, and flax seed oil caps from time to time.

Nothing too crazy I suppose. I did pick up 100% cranberry juice, and boy do I mean 100%. No water added. The label advises me to do that on my own. I took a swig. It had an aftertaste of paint thinner. Cool!


  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    I take Vitamins, but I buy mine at a pharmacy

  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Mmm 100% Cranberry Juice... I love that stuff.

    Shame on you for never sticking your head in a organic grocery store before! The food tastes so much better.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I was, and this serves as a reminder to keep at it. Lost site of them after the move, just found them, so now they're placed beside my monitor so I'm sure to remember.

    I take a men's multivitamin/multimineral, but I feel I don't need it if I'm eating properly. Just like I don't need calcium tablets because I don't drink sodas.
    Plus I take a tablet of glucosamine chondroitin that's suppose to nourish cartilage, synovial fluid, and other connective tissues that wear with age. I also use a natural toothpaste, since I'm cleaning my teeth, and not the inside of a v8 engine.

    I sometimes drink cranberry juice with grape mixed in to add a sweeter taste. I'm slowly switching my entire diet over to all natural and organic foods, as well as eating more home cooked meals. After reading about the effects of HFCS on the body, I'm trying to avoid it more. And today, it's in EVERYTHING. This way, along with vitamins, I'm eating "normal" food, and it's more filling. And good chance I'll avoid getting fat and living with diabetes, the american dream.
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    I tend to buy organic food at the local market stores, I just never really went over to the all organic store before today.

    I agree with you, it tastes much better. Good for you, and the environment, and the company that grows it.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    and the company that grows it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yea, especially them. That markets a gold mine for any entrepreneurs' out there.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    I have to take a multivitamin since I'm falling apart. You shouldn't take a bunch of random vitamins since there can be side effects. I'd stick to a regular multivitamin unless you have worries that there's some glaring hole in your diet. I think I saw a study somewhere that linked mega doses of vitamin c to hardening arteries, so may want to look into that or just drop it to be lazy and safe.

    I live in the big city so I don't see any point in organic food unless it tastes better than conventionally grown. Once you have Teflon deposits in your bones what's the point?
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I make a very concerted effort to buy and eat organic vegetables, and eat only organic AND grain fed meats. For those of you who do the same, this completely outrages me: http://www.organicconsumers.org/sos.cfm

    You see, the USDA is VERY powerful in Washington. While organic foods are becoming more and more profitable for farmers who choose to do things the right way, it is much easier for the corporate fat cats to bend and change the rules than to comply to the organic standards that have been set. Fucking bullshit.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I take a men's multivitamin/multimineral, but I feel I don't need it if I'm eating properly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Got it in one, mate. It's not exactly easy to get a full dose of recommended vitamins and minerals just from your daily diet, but that's definitely the way to go if possible. Even vitamin absorption rates are improved when taken from natural sources than fabricated ones (supplements and the like). The only counter-example I can think of is the antioxident lycopene, which is easier to get from processed tomato sources (sauce, salsa, whatever) than from raw tomatoes themselves. Anywho, big thumbs up to getting your nutrition from natural sources. Unfortunately, I'm a big hypocrite and get at least 60% of my protein and half my carbohydrates from scientifically engineered pseudofoods laugh.gif
  • Eric Chadwick
    [ QUOTE ]
    Fucking bullshit.

    [/ QUOTE ]Totally agree, the weakened standard really pisses me off. More the reason to buy from local growers, learn who your food comes from.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    I just recently kicked myself into taking vitamins again. My eating habits...err..leave a bit to be desired. =] I do try and get only stuff that comes from organic stores and try and keep an eye on the meat I get.

    These are all really great suggestions. I will definately take some of them into consideration.

    oh, and AZ: what the hell? that shit is lame. Thanks for the link.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    AZ: I'm pissed off about that as well. Just a way for them to profit from a business that works against them. I no longer shop at Walmart.

    There's are Whole Foods Markets in my area, and it's a neat place. They also have lots of info and recipes on their site.
  • EarthQuake
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Say EQ, weren't you starting to develop a little flab in your belly from your Xmas nipple shot? wink.gif
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    that was me in that picture. =P and no, I wasn't. it was relaxed muscles that had gathered at the waistline. So neener. =]
  • EarthQuake
    santakub FOR THE WIN
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20

    thus, organic food = teh winz
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I have a shed load of vitamins in my kitchen, but I never take any.
    I am tempted instead to buy a deep fat fryer or chip pan for the new year.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]

    thus, organic food = teh winz

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so true. giggidy.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    let's not forget the hippy cashiers!
    just in the local branch there are at least 3 to whom i wouldn't mind doing a favor.

    and cashiers, in most supermarkets, are usually the ones you'd rather not do even if they promised you they would take their theeth out and let you wear their wig...

    and even not if they offered a piece of cake at the end.
    you know, the kind they keep for 5 months in the fridge for their grandchildren.
    "no it's good! it's from germany! eat it you're all skin and bones"

    the wholefoods ones tho are just ripe and plump
    and hippy!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Oh.. Sorry Kub.. He he opps.

    Yes, if nothing else visiting a natural food store. The checkout woman are usually levels beyond in hotness than a regular grocery store.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Food as in eat?
    Who the fuck does that anymore??
    Its past year 2000 we just take a pill now, go see a future documentary from the 1950s if you dont belive me!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    oh come on, people who work in health stores normally look like unhealthy librarians.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    oh come on, people who work in health stores normally look like unhealthy librarians.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They are hippys, they eat healty only to counter the unhealty they get from too much pot and/or lsd.
    Genius, isnt it?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    health stores normally look like unhealthy librarians.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    GNC Health Stores? Sure. We are talking about Nat Food Markets.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
  • Eric Chadwick
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    I am <u>NOT</u> a fucking hippy mad.gif I shave my face and cut my hair, bathe daily AND use deoderant. I just happen to take an interest in what I put into my body and care about society and the environment.

    Q: What is the difference between a hippy and an onion?
    A: Nobody cries when they cut a hippy.

    Q: What is the difference between a hippy and a trampoline?
    A: You don't take off your boots to jump up and down on a hippy.

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