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Top Gear 'usa style'

polycounter lvl 18
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flaagan polycounter lvl 18
I'm sickened by this .

I want top gear with Jeremy and crew, not a trio of 'cliche americans'. This blows, and I hope the pilot episode flops. Not even flying in the Stig could make up for the lack of the true trio of car whit and whipping.


  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I'm sure it will be fine. Jsut like the office and red dwarf.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I don't they'll have the automotive charm than Jeremy does. He's good for a laugh now and then.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    wow .. .just wow ....

    i think i'll stick to the original thanks smile.gif
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    I could care less about who is hosting, the cars are what matter.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    DT.. what makes the cars great is how they're presented.. a BIG thing for me is how the video is editted together (and the music choice). I really don't want Top Gear looking like some of the car shows Discovery does (they're cool, but soooo bland).
  • DeathTrip
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    DeathTrip polycounter lvl 18
    Well I definately agree with you on the great video editing and shots/angles in Top Gear. I just dont mind having new hosts as long as they keep the rest.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    hawken: oi, i hope that wasn't a dig at the american version of the Office smile.gif

    sure the first few episodes were just off, but now it's come into its own. they finally realized (unlike the atrocious american version of Coupling) that they had to make the material their own. they had to, since it's a completely different to produce 26 episodes a season instead of 6.

    i'm not typically a fan of these sort of american conversions, but so long as it's done in a sensible manner respectful to the original spirit then it can work out fine.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Less america bashing?
    Aren't there enough car shows here? The only reason to watch this show is to see thoses ugly little european cars and laugh at the lousy weather and ugly hosts. I'm a big fan of leaving imports as untouched as possible.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Less america bashing?
    Aren't there enough car shows here? The only reason to watch this show is to see thoses ugly little european cars and laugh at the lousy weather and ugly hosts. I'm a big fan of leaving imports as untouched as possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    PS Weiser are you BLIND?????
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like a pill.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Oh my god a design mASSterpiece!!!!
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    weiser either you havent watched a single episode of top gear .. or something is terribly wrong with your sense of humour and taste for cars smile.gif

    you shouldnt take what they say on top gear seriously, what you should take into account is real good filmography/photography and music coupled with real good delivery... top gear is quite exciting to watch from beginning to end .. it feels really high budget, well directed, well scripted and very well filmed...

    since top gear is such a huge global hit, i think it's a little hard to live up to the same striking sense of humour and creative journalism... just because you need Jeremy, Richard and James to host the show

    p.s. for all the "americans are inbred, dumb and fat" jokes, jeremy owns a ford gt himself smile.gif
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    p.s. for all the "americans are inbred, dumb and fat" jokes, jeremy owns a ford gt himself smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And if i remember correctly, Richard owns a Challenger!
    .. and this is over in the UK.... where they will accept first born in exchange for a litre of petrol! laugh.gif
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh my god a design mASSterpiece!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Toomas, about the only people in this country who drive Crown Vics are law enforcement officers laugh.gif. If you want an example of a cool American car, I'd say the new C6 Corvette Z06, the new Mustang GT (and the upcoming GT500), and the Saleen S7 are all great examples of awesome American sports/muscle cars. It's pretty asinine to post a picture of a vehicle which is generally only used as a police cruiser / taxi / fleet vehicle. I could just as easily post a picture of some ugly ass Euro hatchback with a 1.3L engine (at least the Crown Vic has some power). But posting such a thing would be completely asinine, because the fact that such a car exists does not diminish the greatness of Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes, or any other Euro car manufacturer.

    As for Top Gear, I think it's a great show. Half the appeal for me are the hosts and their witty repartee. I'll probably still watch the Americanized version, but I doubt the hosts will live up to the original hosts. Oh well.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Top Gear is a car programme that woman watch and enjoy. FACT.
  • Soul_Reaper
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    Soul_Reaper polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, my girlfriend watches it with me sometimes.
    I honestly cannot see any American presenters coming close to the rapport and wit that Jeremy and the gang have on the original.

    I mean Top Gear is a worldwide phenomenon with Jeremy at the helm, why does it have to be remade for only America?
    It just wouldn't be the same at all.
  • Major Clod
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    Major Clod polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I mean Top Gear is a worldwide phenomenon with Jeremy at the helm, why does it have to be remade for only America?
    It just wouldn't be the same at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The same reason they remade The Office, Red Dwarf and don't show the new Doctor Who I guess...
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    I think it will be fine, it's not like it's replacing Top Gear and if anything it means more car shows. What's wrong with that. There's a really lame australian one I saw on tv recently (I hardly ever watch tv) called Drive. Even the name is lol. The presenter is just some late twenties chubby short arse who goes for a spin and then harps on about how he would fancy one in "canary yellow" or "purple bronze turnip sunrise" or some shit and a whole lot of nothing about the actual car or what it's like to drive. So yeah I think your show will be fine smile.gif
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The difference is you're not gonna see the American show railing on ferrari's and other exotics for the sloppy engineering that goes into those high dollar cars. Jeremy has no problem ripping them a new one, the American show is almost certain to have a few comments along the lines of "stop drooling" or "this is the greatest car EVAH!!1!". I think the most you could hope for in a show like this remade for America is if they got some of the more.. what's the best word... serious?... stringent, I guess.. writers from road & track or car & driver that actually point out the flaws in the high end cars they review.
  • nealb4me
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    nealb4me polycounter lvl 18
    *switches to thesaurus mode*
    honest, brutal, intelligent, passionate

    I understand exactly what you mean, it's like the difference between the hardware reviews in PCGamer and Atomic magazine. One is sort of aimed at casual n00bs and one is aimed at the enthusiast.

    But...Top Gear is not going away. So if the American one really is too infuriating to watch, then you don't have to smile.gif
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The sad thing is we get the BBC channel on cable (mom's British so she wanted it) and all you ever get on that station is dramas and comedies.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    The same reason they remade The Office, Red Dwarf and don't show the new Doctor Who I guess...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love the Americanised version of The Office, although I have watched and do like the original British version as well.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    The BBC are gonna broadcast online soon, so you can get the full 10 channels or whatever they have now.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm, top gear is funny, but jeremy clarkson is a bit of a pratt.
    I am not really into cars, but there is something refreshing about smashing up caravans.

    Hmm i also think the bbc should me a fekking refund on my tv license if they are behaving like a commercial station.
    BBC is shite on the whole and I resent paying an extra tax to fund them
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm i also think the bbc should me a fekking refund on my tv license if they are behaving like a commercial station.
    BBC is shite on the whole and I resent paying an extra tax to fund them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is NOT how the BBC work. There are 2 BBCs, the UK one and then BBC Worldwide. They get funding in 2 different ways, the UK gets the licence fee plus lots of extra investment, but must remain impartial. BBC Worldwide is international and not usually available in the UK and is commercial. NEVER the twain shall meet.

    I know this because I worked for the BBC for close to 2 years and the financing was a pain. We were making games forr BBC multimedia, part of BBC worldwide, which is a profit making organisation (the BBC UK is NOT Allowed to make profit). BBC UK commisioned the TV show from a 3rd party, the 3rd party paid us for the content and we delivered it. The boxed product game had nothing to do with BBC UK however.
  • PeteJ
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    PeteJ polycounter lvl 18
    1. its a car show my g/f will watch.
    2. clarkson is a foo, but he's been reviewing cars for donkeys years
    3. lots of short man jokes
    and best of all its really really biased and unfair!
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    TNSLB polycounter lvl 18
    I love Hamster.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I love Hamster.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because of hes white(ned) teeth?
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Sloppy engineering? Compared to what?
    High end exotics are the pinnacle of road car engineering.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    You've obviously never read some of the post-production notes, some of those 'pinnacles of engineering' almost / never make it to the track time, much less through regular filming.

    I'm sorry, but when a new Porsche 911 has it's shifting knob come off in your hand while shifting, that doesn't scream quality.

    Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's well made.
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Quality is different from engineering.
    It's still fact that exotics are at the front end of road car engineering. There's nothing "sloppy" about it.
    Leaf springs are sloppy engineering. (hahah, I had to! Sorry.)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I got my first taste the other day with some streaming episodes I found online via google video. The banter betweehn the members and the biased views are what makes these shows.

    Im sorry, I dont want a left hand turn only track, and the audience separated from the hosts. While reviews that aren't too harsh to not loose advertisers dollars.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Quality is different from engineering.
    It's still fact that exotics are at the front end of road car engineering. There's nothing "sloppy" about it.
    Leaf springs are sloppy engineering. (hahah, I had to! Sorry.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you forgot live rear axels and pushrod v8's :P

    you should never take Top Gear's humor too seriously, they overexaggarate certain things for dramatic effect. 911's are well made, Jeremy might have gotten a lemon or just faked the whole thing.

    it's a little kind of like that m5 episode, almost the whole time he made it seem absolutely overengineered and obtusely complicated all for dramatic effect, and also because he's an old oaf who cant deal with technology.

    In the end though he pressed the M button and praised the car as being better than a f430 ...

    you can tell when they are being honest and when they are just joshing ...
  • SouL
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    SouL polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah. The m6 suffers from the same cumbersome electronics.

    You guys should try and find his Heaven or Hell video. It's on bittorent.

    Not that many cars in it... highlights are the Enzo, F430, M5, AMV8, etc
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