There's been discussion of creating a Polycount guild in WoW if everyone willing to join can agree on a realm to play on. The gist of it is that everyone should start a new character so we can all help each other out on quests and whatnot. The details are sketchy, but that's what this thread's for.
It'd also probably be a good idea to play on a normal server, seeing as how it'd be a fresh start, but that's up for discussion.
Also: Horde or Allliance?
bearkub's also generously volunteered to organize the guild if this all gets rolling.
Here's a link to a tabard builder at Curse Gaming so we can get that little detail ironed out too:
Try and decide what class you'll be playing as well so we don't end up with 20 warriors and 1 priest.
don't think i'll be a mage this time. as much as i like them they are too squishy.
Personally I would suggest Cenarius Alliance.
I have 4 characters on that server all 40 and above with most of the major trade skills maxed out. I also am a founding member of Liquid Courage the second largest guild on the server so we would have access to much more than just my characters.
If it does get created on Cenarius post your character names and I'll see to it that everyone gets 5 free 10 slot bags and maybe some start up coin like 1g to help things along. If you're bent of starting out fresh without help I can't say I would get much time to start a new toon on a new server. I already did that on Dark Iron, made it 45 and found out that I like Cenarius better.
our queues are damn near insane! unless you really wanted to get on, because me and lots of my friends are established and some have epic'd out 60s just lookin to help out
be sure to let me know, i'd love to own with you guys
Server: Cenarius
Faction: Horde
Sorry it had to be horde (SORRY VIG! =]) but we have a lot of people who haven't had a chance to play a horde character yet and would like to. If you have any major opposition to this, please post in this thread or PM me and let me know.
The guild name will be The Duckbutter Brigade. I will leave my character name here in a few hours. I am going to start as an Orc warrior.
I really hope this works out and hope to see you guys some time this week! FOR THE HORDE.
1.I'm fucking poor!
2.No time to play it, school work is bogging me down
Plus I just don't feel like being sucked into an MMO right now.
oh well
OK. I'm Tkfrog and my character is a lvl 8 Troll Rogue right at the moment. Kub still needs 5 of you to sign the guild charter if you haven't yet.
since shaman is the only class I haven't played yet I've started a troll shaman named Nurbie. I'm leaving tonight for the holidays though so I won't be around till after newyears.
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Hah, I also just made a troll shaman! Perhaps I should pick something else...
I'll be playing an Undead warlock named Dreldona.
As for the guild name, why not just Polycount? I can't even believe there's a guild named The Duckbutter Brigade.
Tauren Warrior - BarakaThall
i'll [edit] when ive made a character i like.
a note in this thread
a private message via the boards.
I will not be adding people during the game for the time being. (Organizational reasons, really...)
Just because most of my toons are on the oposite faction doesn't mean we are without help
If you have any ideas for the tabard, go ahead and post screenshots of them.
Personally I'd want the wrench just to keep things simple, but we could also go for the gnome for the hell of it.
ps. Cricket....where did u get that wow HUD. Looks much better than the normal one.
This will be badass.
Mine's wholly custom-configured, though there are prefabbed UI packages available.
For The Horde!
Orc Warrior - Norjek
I won't really play on it too much (got 3 chars on alliance Warsong), but I'd love to join up for some ownin
How do you guys communicate in WOW? do you talk?
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Maybe we can setup a teamspeak or Ventrillo server to chat online