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World of WarCraft Polycount Guild

polycounter lvl 18
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Cricket polycounter lvl 18
There's been discussion of creating a Polycount guild in WoW if everyone willing to join can agree on a realm to play on. The gist of it is that everyone should start a new character so we can all help each other out on quests and whatnot. The details are sketchy, but that's what this thread's for.

It'd also probably be a good idea to play on a normal server, seeing as how it'd be a fresh start, but that's up for discussion.

Also: Horde or Allliance?

bearkub's also generously volunteered to organize the guild if this all gets rolling.

Here's a link to a tabard builder at Curse Gaming so we can get that little detail ironed out too:


Try and decide what class you'll be playing as well so we don't end up with 20 warriors and 1 priest.


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