I know some of you are traveling this holiday. People are stressed, their schedules are getting mixed up, they have hyper-active children tagging along, or perhaps the american school system never properly instructed them on how to friggin operate turn signals. Be safe out there, and be prepared.
My first of two holiday trips is over, and somewhat eventful. I haven't attended a family christmas dinner in my hometown (mom's side) in over 5 years. I made it this year, and after the party I gave my younger brother a ride to my grandparents' house nearby. There are usually several relatives stopping by, and they have a small driveway, so I parked in the open grassy lot just across the road, right along the side walk. Less than two hours later, I got back in the car to drive to a hotel, but my car wouldn't move properly. My right front tire was completely flat. I pulled into my grandpa's driveway and checked it again with a flashlight. There was a thick clean cut right along the side wall. We checked all possibilities, then realized that some little punkass had walked up and jabbed a knife into one of my new tires. I don't know who or why. I'm not so angry about the damage, although it's gonna cost me. I'm more pissed off at the fact someone would do something like this, and walk away...and around Christmas. I had a dough-nut in the back to get me to the hotel, and the tire garage this morning, and used last night's Xmas money from relatives to buy a used tire to get me home. Tomorrow I use what money I had for Xmas shopping to re-buy the tire I run, if the garage or my insurance doesn't cover the event of vandalism. I'm feeling the Christmas spirit all over. Fortunately, they didn't key the car, or I would have been out for blood and received plenty of coal in my stocking.
Any more exciting stories to tell?
Drive carefully out there, keep all presents and valueables out of site, and beware of all the crazies trying to ruin it for everyone.
best holiday wishes to everyone!
online ordering is the greatest
[/ QUOTE ]
And how! I went to a mall this weekend and truly wanted to hurt many, many, many people. Especially the idiot guys at Sears that were too busy discussing football to help me with digi cams. (thank you best buy!)
As for traveling, I just have to drive to my hometown. No roommate thankfully, so it should be nice and peaceful.
i don't know about anyone else in the UK, but i'm sick to fucking death of that Coca Cola ad that plays every year and tells me that "holidays are coming, holidays are coming". Eh? I'm british, i have my holidays in the summer, or generally around may. Or whenever i get a bit of free time.
I liked it when i was 9 and had to drive 1 hour with my family to grandparents house.
Now its.. Drive 12 hrs across 3 states to visit one side. Or fly down to Florida to visit another side.