to find one or more meanings to life. to distinguish oneself from all others that came before or will come after. to shout to the heavens "I exist!" and hear a reply. to prepare youself for the Afterlife/next world where your 'true life' begins.
or something like that. maybe one day i'll find out but if i do i won't be able to tell anyone else because that would be cheating
To me, my goal in life is to find something to live for, and die for. Things I would list as an example are girlfriend, wife, kids, personal happiness or achievement, helping others, etc.
Btw I am a spiritual person so I also believe in God, but it's really a tough call on what he wants us to really do. I believe I should just be the best person I can be and enjoy my life, but not at the expense of others. And if we all chip in, even the slightest bit of good makes the world a better place, so I try to do my part. Even Satanism says that
The meaning of life I guess is subjective but the purpose......I do have an opinion on the purpose.
Procreation, Evolution, stir, repeat,....
We can look to some universal functions of living creatures on earth. Every species procreates and in doing so evolves.
Everything each creature does somehow leads them to the next step of their own destiny. Everything in nature has a purpose.
When I see a space shuttle escape earth's atmosphere I don't see this as a synthetic or unnatural event. I see this as part of our evolutionary purpose. Unnatural is just a word. EVERYTHING that happens in this universe is part of nature. There is no such thing as unnatural.
Every form of life on earth is forced by outside and environmental reasons to spread across the lands through means of evolution and procreation. The next step is to spill off of the planet. What i'm trying to say is I think the purpose of LIFE on our planet, is to leave Earth and spread LIFE to other planets and galaxies. Human beings technologies are simply our natural and organic means of doing so. What comes after that I don't know.
We have an obligation to preserve the human race by exapanding our territory but above that we have an obligation to preserve the concept of LIFE in general.
The meaning of life is simple. We're part of a system just like the plants and animals. The meaning of life is to keep that system working. The earth grows plants, the animals eat the plants, other animals eat those animals, they die, and become the earth. Humans aren't dinner like the good ol' days. They only thing eating us are diseases, which are also part of the system if you think about it. But we keep living, and moving on, and destroying everything in our way. Until one day this planet is no longer suitable, and we find another and start the process all over again. So in the end, the meaning of life is: "stop fucking with the system!"
And don't confuse "what is the meaning of life" with, "why am I here?". Wash your hands and get back to work.
The purpose of this thread was to engender discussion. Worked pretty well I think. Didn't go to hell right away, that alone tells me things have progressed at polycount over the time I've been here (not because of me).
I love talking/reading/learning about philosphy. Amazing stuff, a brain contemplating itself (or another). I see your point about a brain not able to really experience another's thoughts, directly. There is empathy, which to my understanding is the process of reading external results of thought, then generating an internal subjective reproduction of the thought, then creating impressions based upon that.
And Vig I didn't mean to sound like a jerk who knows it all, I certainly don't, and I don't think everyone needs to come to the same conclusions as I do. But I do think there's an element of the prosletizer in all of us... once we see a good thing we want to pass it on.
I belive that life can't negate itself, so the "purpose" if you are looking for that can't be one that can be furfilled or defined at a certain point it has to be a ongoing process.
I personally see "life" a bit broader because I try to avoid these endless nitpick discussion (with myself to ) what is classed as life and what not so like to take existance itself with all its faccets as a whole.
If it can be caught in the framework of purpose it seizes to be because it allready has been and allready has ended.
I see it as an autonom selfdefining happening where the idea of an absolut end hits infinity and the friction caused by this is what we would call existance.
We are right on this line of friction, we ourselves have the possiblity to think of something beeing infinite (allthough we can't grasp it mentally) but at the same time we will physically end (the idea of the absolute end) but our bodys still "merge" with our surrounding through time (wich is existance), powered by this idea.
You can see that "conflict" everywhere. You just have to get up, you are stirring up, working against and with it through this dualism that it brings.
This mindplay could go on forever out of the simple setting it is happening in.
It holds a great endless beautifull variety of things on any kind of level and that is the fantastic thing, ... no final rules, no final boundrys ... DIG IN
The meaning of life is to evolve to a point where we produce something that is simultaneously the pinnacle of entertainment and mental engagement. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached that destination. There is no-where to go once you've reached the top:
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it part of Godwin's law that when anyone brings up spelling the thread is over? Besides I was talking about the narcissistic skinny guy who just wanted to make headlines. Not THE Mahatma Gandhi =P
I'll spell stuff correctly when I get the time or when polycount gets an integrated spell checker
The more time you spend thinking about the meaning behind it all, the less time you will have left to actually enjoy it....
aaannd if you did actually figure it all out, you might not like what you find ie you are not as important in the scheme of things as you would have liked to believe
or something like that. maybe one day i'll find out but if i do i won't be able to tell anyone else because that would be cheating
Therefore we shall be extint in athe next 27 minutes
Sorry, 23.
Btw I am a spiritual person so I also believe in God, but it's really a tough call on what he wants us to really do. I believe I should just be the best person I can be and enjoy my life, but not at the expense of others. And if we all chip in, even the slightest bit of good makes the world a better place, so I try to do my part. Even Satanism says that
Procreation, Evolution, stir, repeat,....
We can look to some universal functions of living creatures on earth. Every species procreates and in doing so evolves.
Everything each creature does somehow leads them to the next step of their own destiny. Everything in nature has a purpose.
When I see a space shuttle escape earth's atmosphere I don't see this as a synthetic or unnatural event. I see this as part of our evolutionary purpose. Unnatural is just a word. EVERYTHING that happens in this universe is part of nature. There is no such thing as unnatural.
Every form of life on earth is forced by outside and environmental reasons to spread across the lands through means of evolution and procreation. The next step is to spill off of the planet. What i'm trying to say is I think the purpose of LIFE on our planet, is to leave Earth and spread LIFE to other planets and galaxies. Human beings technologies are simply our natural and organic means of doing so. What comes after that I don't know.
We have an obligation to preserve the human race by exapanding our territory but above that we have an obligation to preserve the concept of LIFE in general.
And don't confuse "what is the meaning of life" with, "why am I here?". Wash your hands and get back to work.
I love talking/reading/learning about philosphy. Amazing stuff, a brain contemplating itself (or another). I see your point about a brain not able to really experience another's thoughts, directly. There is empathy, which to my understanding is the process of reading external results of thought, then generating an internal subjective reproduction of the thought, then creating impressions based upon that.
And Vig I didn't mean to sound like a jerk who knows it all, I certainly don't, and I don't think everyone needs to come to the same conclusions as I do. But I do think there's an element of the prosletizer in all of us... once we see a good thing we want to pass it on.
I personally see "life" a bit broader because I try to avoid these endless nitpick discussion (with myself to
If it can be caught in the framework of purpose it seizes to be because it allready has been and allready has ended.
I see it as an autonom selfdefining happening where the idea of an absolut end hits infinity and the friction caused by this is what we would call existance.
We are right on this line of friction, we ourselves have the possiblity to think of something beeing infinite (allthough we can't grasp it mentally) but at the same time we will physically end (the idea of the absolute end) but our bodys still "merge" with our surrounding through time (wich is existance), powered by this idea.
You can see that "conflict" everywhere. You just have to get up, you are stirring up, working against and with it through this dualism that it brings.
This mindplay could go on forever out of the simple setting it is happening in.
It holds a great endless beautifull variety of things on any kind of level and that is the fantastic thing, ... no final rules, no final boundrys ... DIG IN
For instance, Vig, the man's name was Ghandi.
Frank the Avenger
To learn.
For instance, Vig, the man's name was Ghandi.
Frank the Avenger
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it part of Godwin's law that when anyone brings up spelling the thread is over? Besides I was talking about the narcissistic skinny guy who just wanted to make headlines. Not THE Mahatma Gandhi =P
I'll spell stuff correctly when I get the time or when polycount gets an integrated spell checker
aaannd if you did actually figure it all out, you might not like what you find ie you are not as important in the scheme of things as you would have liked to believe