Jessica turned nine years old on Tuesday.

No more steroids, physical therapy, or, really, any limitations she didn't have up to March of this year. Just wanted to let everyone know, and thank all of you guys for your support.
Some may remember that this summer, my daughter was in the hospital from April to August, mostly in the Pediatric ICU on a ventilator with pneumonia-damaged lungs. At a couple of points this Spring, we had reason to doubt she would make it to her ninth b-day. Afterwards, she went through a lengthy recovery from muscle atrophy from the paralytics they put you on while on the vent.
Yeah, hellishly unreasonable. But Jessica is a rock, just like her mom, and she pulled it out like a champ. When she wants something, she never quits. And every day she celebrates being better by showing off how she can skip and jump.

And yes, that's a marshmallow shooter she's got.

Send me the plans for the marshmallow shooter. my kids would love one.
Hope she (and all of you) have a great christmas, and be sure to let her stay up for new years if she wants to, she's earned it!
And damn, I sure wish I had a marshmallow shooter...
I'm glad to hear that you and your family have reached the light at the end of the tunnel
Frank the Avenger
My kids have marshmallow shooters also (their's is a little different looking). They love them.
Thank you for the update.
I know you guys are gonna have an amazing Christmas anyways, but I wish you guys the best of holidays
This is wonderful news John, congrats to you and your family