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NCsoft: 1 Marvel: 0


  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Meh? It doesnt say that Marvel lost or that NCsoft won, it was an agreement, it doesnt even say what they agreed on really...
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Toomas how's your reading comprehension? laugh.gif Marvel tried to sue the pants off NC Soft because players were creating superheroes very similar to their trademark characters. so Marvel settling with them for no money and without changing City of Heroes/Villains would mean that they "lost".
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, basically they just said "Ok ok, we're not really arguing about anything. How about we both just shut up and call it a day."

    I think they'll employ some kind of regulations within the game ruleset that says players aren't allowed to directly mimic copyrighted characters. That would make the most sense. The two parties battling in court is like Paris Hilton fighting Louis Vuitton. They help each other out by promoting the same subject. Without Marvel, there would be no City of Heroes, and the game just helps perpetuate the awesomeness of comic book superheroes.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I think they'll employ some kind of regulations within the game ruleset that says players aren't allowed to directly mimic copyrighted characters.

    They've been doing that since the game's inception.

    Marvel started suing because there's a Marvel MMO in development and CoH is direct competition.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, gotcha. I haven't played it, so I was just guessing.

    I wonder what the settlement really was, considering this Marvel MMO you speak of
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    I think it goes beyond that simple fact KDR.
    Marvel has always been incredibly anal about their IPs and pretty much launched campaigns against any kind of IP abuse in any game, which is their right, even tho it still makes them hate-able.

    City of Heroes was bound to be a very problematic game (IP wise) just because of it's theme. At least for the first half year of playing i can't remember anyone having problems (having to rename the character etc) for using Marvel names and costumes.
    Then as you started hearing about Marvel going aggro on the entire net they started actually enforcing name policies in CoH (beyond the casual demonstrative enforcing), which i guess they should have been doing from the start.

    Right now, you can have a character renamed within a day or two if someone reports it in CoH/CoV. I'm assuming that's what Marvel was after.
    And if Marvel is doing their own MMO, you can't really blame them for trying to protect their IPs, it's direct competition, and they don't have to live with it.

    I'm on the freedom server in both games tongue.gif
  • Mark Dygert
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    marvel exec#1: Lets try to piss off and drive away people from the CoH francise.
    marvel exec#2: Good idea, how do we do that?
    marvel exec#1: We fustrate the CoH players with little imagination. We need to drive them insane by forcing them to skirt the line of pretending to be thier favorite heros and being a close rip off. We need to sue the company making the game.
    marvel exec#2: What's this!? These message boards are filled full of angry comic fans. Comic sales are down!? They are really pissed!
    marvel exec#1: More angry than usual? How can this be!? I was under the impression that comic dorks operated at 100% of thier total anger all the time. Which ranks right up there with bitter old crank, and wet paper napkins.
    marvel exec#2: I'm not sure, maybe our polt has been foiled.
    marvel exec#1: Don't call it plot and don't say it has been foiled, that makes us sound evil...
    marvel exec#2: We are evil we should settle out of court and hope that our fans start buying comics and going to our movies again. If we are nice they might even come play our cheap CoH/CoV knock off?
    Janitor: You guys are so screwed...
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Toomas how's your reading comprehension? laugh.gif Marvel tried to sue the pants off NC Soft because players were creating superheroes very similar to their trademark characters. so Marvel settling with them for no money and without changing City of Heroes/Villains would mean that they "lost".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah but they dont post their agreement so for all i care NC might have given Marvel a blowjob or vice versa.
    And agreement is not a 1:0 win, its more like 1:1 tie.
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