I'd actually really like to see The Wizard of Oz redone.
I don't know if anyone here has read Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, but creating it more in that view of the world would tickly me the right way.
Muppets Wizard of Oz Return to Oz
One more wouldn't hurt, as long as it's better than the Muppets Wizard of Oz. My wife loves the muppets and wizard of oz and was disapointed, its hard to imagine but they stunk it up.
Oz would be a good one to see done in non-musical format with a flair of noir to it. I was VERY excited when I first heard about American McGee doing an Oz game, but it was canned...
20,000 leauges under the sea would be another one I would want to see done again. This time with a heavy steam punk feel to it.
Bullitt or Vanishing Point....
but god knows noone in hollywood could do either of those two movies justice, much less make them not be trendy bs (think Dukes).
I could sure go for a remake of Metropolis. Since there have been so many part that have gone missing, it'd give room to explore areas that'd make more of an impact in this age. That and voices would help make sense of the movie, for when you are working and want to watch a movie on the other monitor, or on your laptop. XD
Per's got it. the best case scenario for a remake is for movies that failed to live up to their promise, room for improvement...
i'd probably remake either of the two Matrix sequels. keep things centered on (call me crazy) the Matrix. or failing that, just un-make the sequels. all of their shenanigans after that first movie (especially this latest Path of Neo crap) just makes me feel ill. i'd unmake star wars prequels while i was at it, too.
American McGee is attempting to remake Wizard of Oz into a movie, as well as a game, but the hollywood executives aren't biting.
I'd like to see 12 Angry Men remade with some of today's best actors, just to see where we stand. It could be remade for that time period, or more modern. You can't fall back on special effects or 'celebrities' for that film. I love it. Excellent camera work as well.
Forbidden Planet. An amazing film, but done before the era of decent effects of any type (although it looked fabulous given what film makers could do with their technology at the time).
Remakes, except for outstanding labors of love like Jackson's 'King Kong', are all generally garbage.
Everything that I enjoy about most of the movies mentioned would be lost in a remake. 'Bullitt' wouldn't make sense, because it's the original rogue cop movie, and that's an old genre now. With Harryhausen, they'd use CG. Blah. With Forbidden Planet, the 50s conceit and retro-futurism would be gone (and they don't make 'em like Anne Francis anymore -- whew!). Dawn of the Dead was good, but not so much a remake as a reworking of the same base ideas. Day the Earth Stood Still wouldn't make sense because we're no longer on the verge of blowing the planet up.
What I'd like to see is big-screen re-releases of old classics like the ones mentioned, so that people can enjoy and appreciate how good the originals are, for all the reasons that they are really so good. And I call for the oust, persecution, and public tar-and-feathering of the Hollywood producers who like to do remakes. Hate 'em!
Im going to take the opposite viewpoint.
Frequently I LOVE remakes.
Just as its neat to see 2 artists create a drawing from the same description its neat to see 2 sets of filmmakers make movies from the same idea.
I'm thinking the only movies I'd really like to see redone, would be movies from the 80's back, where technology limited their imaginations. Can't think of a specific movie right now, but things like the original Superman, where you could tell he was on a board with a wind machine. I love the original movie. Obviously they are making a new movie now, so it's a bad example, but something like that.
I'm not so sure its the actual people making the movie that have lost the spark or the exec's bank rolling the projects. Just like in games the new and original ideas get shelved in favor of a sequel or franchise.
I know if I (or anyone trying to run a business) was throwing down that kind of cash I wouldn't want to be funding the next Uwe Boll.
I don't know if anyone here has read Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, but creating it more in that view of the world would tickly me the right way.
Return to Oz
One more wouldn't hurt, as long as it's better than the Muppets Wizard of Oz. My wife loves the muppets and wizard of oz and was disapointed, its hard to imagine but they stunk it up.
I'd really like to see it done with a darker tone. Not quite as dark as the line of toys McFarlane relased, but somewhere inbetween.
I've wanted that movie redone in 'non musical, follow the book closely' fashion.
20,000 leauges under the sea would be another one I would want to see done again. This time with a heavy steam punk feel to it.
but god knows noone in hollywood could do either of those two movies justice, much less make them not be trendy bs (think Dukes).
i'd probably remake either of the two Matrix sequels. keep things centered on (call me crazy) the Matrix. or failing that, just un-make the sequels. all of their shenanigans after that first movie (especially this latest Path of Neo crap) just makes me feel ill. i'd unmake star wars prequels while i was at it, too.
Frank the Avenger
I'd like to see 12 Angry Men remade with some of today's best actors, just to see where we stand. It could be remade for that time period, or more modern. You can't fall back on special effects or 'celebrities' for that film. I love it. Excellent camera work as well.
Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, Sinbad etc
- BoBo
Everything that I enjoy about most of the movies mentioned would be lost in a remake. 'Bullitt' wouldn't make sense, because it's the original rogue cop movie, and that's an old genre now. With Harryhausen, they'd use CG. Blah. With Forbidden Planet, the 50s conceit and retro-futurism would be gone (and they don't make 'em like Anne Francis anymore -- whew!). Dawn of the Dead was good, but not so much a remake as a reworking of the same base ideas. Day the Earth Stood Still wouldn't make sense because we're no longer on the verge of blowing the planet up.
What I'd like to see is big-screen re-releases of old classics like the ones mentioned, so that people can enjoy and appreciate how good the originals are, for all the reasons that they are really so good. And I call for the oust, persecution, and public tar-and-feathering of the Hollywood producers who like to do remakes. Hate 'em!
Frequently I LOVE remakes.
Just as its neat to see 2 artists create a drawing from the same description its neat to see 2 sets of filmmakers make movies from the same idea.
star trek V
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Speaking of which: http://www.hollywood.com/news/detail/id/3472202 (not movie V though
lol @ Star Wars suggestion
I'm thinking the only movies I'd really like to see redone, would be movies from the 80's back, where technology limited their imaginations. Can't think of a specific movie right now, but things like the original Superman, where you could tell he was on a board with a wind machine. I love the original movie. Obviously they are making a new movie now, so it's a bad example, but something like that.
"Sink the Bismarck"
"In Harm's Way", except really being the Battle of Leyte Gulf.
"Midway", except without the racial angle and the relationship stuff.
Dungeons and Dragons
I'd also like to write and direct it.
This generation of filmmakers seem to have no spark of their own.
I know if I (or anyone trying to run a business) was throwing down that kind of cash I wouldn't want to be funding the next Uwe Boll.
Starship Troopers, based on the NOVEL, with power armor suits and none of that cheesy relationship crap the movie put in.
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