Long time no pimp. Actually this is such a lame pimp I think it might need to be in 2d&3d. I just want to get an opinion on the porportions of this "gal" You can crit other things if you want, but as you can tell by the state of the model it's still very WIPish.
Also if anyone has advice on making good lips ( for subdivision) I would love to hear it. She used to have a face but I'm in the process of redoing it. She had a bad case of FUGLY.
BTW it's female creature that has no breasts. Just in case someone wanted to mention lack of boobies :P
Maybe scaling it a bit along the Y axis would make it a bit better, since especially the head (& maybe upper torso) looks a bit long.
Oh and the lower legs look broken
Since the mesh is at such an early phase, I am not going to comment on the mesh-structure... but there is lots of room for improvement so to say
For the porportion., I was going for 8 heads high. It looks like I'm a bit off on that. I have the height, but things don't look like they are placed corrrectly. Could I get some crits on what to do here? I've been staring at the model too long to see what to do.