might be a little bit of a spoiler, obviously one of the main confrontations in film since its on all the movie posters.. the scene ends right before kong really kicks the dinos ass but still a very suspensful few minutes of wonderfully coreographed fighting between two beasts, check it out if you dont mind sneeking a little peek.. the quality isnt the greatest, but its straight from the kong website so i am betting its as good as your going to get..
However, theres no way that girl could survive all the falls she went through in the scene, not to mention all the thrashing about. She went through at least 4 seperate 50+ foot falls...
impressive scene.
However, theres no way that girl could survive all the falls she went through in the scene, not to mention all the thrashing about. She went through at least 4 seperate 50+ foot falls...
[/ QUOTE ]
there is a 50 foot gorilla jumping around fighting dinosaurs, and the part you can't believe is the falling?
If the blond girl suddenly floated around and waved her arms and turned kong into a cricket, would you tell me I should believe that too? After all, there ARE t-rex's and giant monkeys in it.
That said, I would think that 9 ton dinos would surely die if they were thrown and while airborne they performed a somersault onto some moss covered sharp rocks. Their own weight along with gravity and momentum would kill or cripple them instantly. Its not like they are built like a lion or a gorilla who are designed to absorb shock through their extremities when they land, and they have to land on them for that to happen (and those creature weigh a few hundred pounds). So if they can perform acrobatic stunts w/out worrying about death, and if kongs leg muscles dont tear off when a trex is grabbing onto it for dear life AND he can get mauled in the arm and take the hit so that he can save his apple sauce excreting treasure, then she can surely take 50, hell even 300 foot falls with her skimpy clothes (complete with anti-gravity Teflon modules) and still be ok.
Good clip. I kind of have to side with aesir on this one though. That was one of the first things I noticed when I saw the original trailer. Not that I'm putting too much into it, just something that crossed my mind, about how her neck would have snapped with the way she was caught. Things like that shouldn't exist and snap you back to reality. Yes, you're accepting all the other fictional items, but it's like a fiction overload. Just something that could have been handled better, but not a big deal.