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My online portfolio (very very W.I.P)

polycounter lvl 17
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Xeto polycounter lvl 17
Hey every one! I’m putting together my online portfolio and I wanted every one to take a look at it and let me know what you think. I haven’t put up much art; just enough to let people get the idea of the site so that when I get critiques I can easily change it before I have tons and tons of work up. Criticism is greatly appreciated as always.

My online portfolio



  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Cool start, nice and clean.

    Top frame is thick with wasted space. You can tighten this up, and make your email a hyperlink for easy contact.

    Drop the contact section because you don't need it. Instead, put this info at the top of your resume.

    Based on what you have up so far, you want to be an environment artist. Make your 3d gallery page your main page.

    You could also reduce your main 3d gallery to this page until you get up more content.

    Should be pretty spiffy once you get more up there, and I'm sure people around here will be full of feedback when you do. :P
  • Xeto
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    Xeto polycounter lvl 17
    Thank you for the speedy reply. I went ahead and changed the main page to go right to the level design for now. Also, are you sure it behooves to remove the contact link? I don’t feel like its doing any harm to have more places to contact me, but I also see where you’re coming from. Let me know if you think it’s fully necessary.

    Yeah, I want to be an environmental artist. Every one thinks I’m crazy and tells me characters are better, but I guess I just like modeling, texturing, and lighting environments more. I was contemplating putting “environmental artist” up top, but I think I should have more work to define that before I put a label on myself. Thanks again! Keep em' coming! crazy.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Keep the contact stuff. Make the top frame MUCH smaller, or don't have it all, because FRAMES ARE EVIL.



    But anyway, now that I have convinced you to not have a frame, you will still want to make that masthead smaller. Why? At my screen size and the default size my browser window is, that header took up almost HALF you page. Thats a waste.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    If your contact information is at the top and resume, you don't need a contact page as it becomes redundant. Personally, I put my email address on every page of my portfolio to completely remove the need for any sort of contact page, and make it easy as possible for a potential employer to contact me. Nothing wrong with a contact page, but it adds more clutter to a portfolio.

    Games require much more environmental work than characters. Aiming for an environment position is an easier way in to the industry. Everyone who tells you that is misinformed and biased. I too have preferred background art and lighting, though I enjoy making characters for fun and person projects.
  • Xeto
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    Xeto polycounter lvl 17
    Hey, I've changed a few things like bannar size and such. I haven't gotten rid of the frames yet because I have three papers to write for finals. But stop by and let me know what you think. I'm also going to be trying my page at school today on different computers, browsers, and resolutions. Thanks for all the feed back!
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Xeto the only thing I noticed is that some of your rollovers don't work. It's seems a bit inconsistent to have rollovers on your thumbnails and not on your Nav bar. Nice reel, you may want to show your concepts at the end of the reel or with the model next to it while it rotates at the end of the fly though.

  • Xeto
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    Xeto polycounter lvl 17
    Woops! There are no roll overs, hehe, I forgot to update my CSS file so that the border would not turn blue when you roll over it. Thank you for pointing that out, it would have taken me for ever to see that. ooo.gif I didn't want to make the fly through too long but I guess I wouldn't be by re-aranging things in it. I LIKE IT! Sorry, I'm tired hehe. I'm really glad to see that the embeded flythrough worked on more than the three computers I tested it on though! Back to after effects!!! smile.gif
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