Hiya, My HD has just died so Ive bought a new 200gig Western Digital Sata drive to replace the 80gig seagate that died. After reinstalling windows and a few drivers I installed the Call of Duty 2 demo that ran like ass on my old clogged up drive and the leap in performance is incredible (its playable in DX 9 mode!) So what Im gonna do is have a windows sata drive with all my art, music and other stuff on it (the 200gig) and after returning the seagate (its got a five year waranty) have a nice light windows installation for gaming. If it gets clogged up I can just reinstall from time to time! Sounds good in theory but how do I choose which windows (which drive really)to boot from? Is there a physical device that can swap my sata 1 for sata 2 at the touch of a button? Is there a way to choose on start up like if you have 2 windows on one harddisk? I would prefer a physical solution as it would probably be more robust! Any way, any help would be ace!
