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polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
In the past, artists aspiring to work in the game industry were generally hobbyists seeking to do what they loved on a full-time basis. These people relied on support from friends and the online community to get the input needed to succeed in their field. modelers, texture artists, and animators would post their work-in-progress (WIP) for others to critique and comment on. Recently, more people are going to schools that offer courses in “videogame design” with hopes of one day making it into the game industry. It is my firm belief that although schooling can teach you the fundamentals, it isn't until you get your work shown in front of others to have it critiqued and compared that you'll fully develop a skill set and acquire the knowledge needed to become a successful professional. In addition, the networking options available to those active in online communities is far greater than anything a school can offer.

Joining a community gives you the chance to post your WIP's and get nearly instant feedback from others in your position or who those who already have professional art careers. CGTalk, CGChat, Polycount, ConceptArt.org and others are all websites that offer message boards for those who are looking for constructive criticism of their work. You'll receive opinions from people with a wide range of experience and knowledge that are willing to offer words of advice to make your work that much better.

Then there’s networking. Online artist communities are full of professional artists who, to this day, still post and remain active. Infact, if it weren't for my favorite artist community, Polycount, I'd have never have made friends with industry professionals, made contact with the people at Threewave Software, or been given the chance to work with them as a full-time artist. However, be tactful. Artists hate nothing more than getting messages from people with the pure intention of knowing someone at a specific company. Networking should be about making friends and meeting people with similar interests. If you are contacting people just for the sake of a business contact the artist will know, and probably not appreciate it.

I recently spoke with Ben Mathis & Andrew Risch to find out what they thought of online communities and what they can do for aspiring artists. Ben is an artist at Neversoft (Gun) with 2.5 years of experience. His employment history includes Mythic Entertainment (Dark Ages of Camelot) and Terminal Reality (BloodRayne 2). Andrew is the founder of Polycount.com which celebrated its 7th anniversary this year.

Q.) What's your opinion on online videogame communities? Should someone seeking to become a videogame artist who is also taking a course on it in school get involved?

Ben: Definitely. I met the people who recommended me at Terminal, at Mythic, and at Neversoft, as well as my contract work through online communities.

Andrew: My opinion on whether someone interested in being a videogame artist, if they are in school or not, is that they should find some value in a community of said activity. Whether they should be involved or not is really a personal choice. I think that its different for different people, but I can say that it seems the more involved one is with the community, the more leanings they have to being successful in general.

Q.) What about developing your skills as an artist? Do you think it offers something you can't get in school?

Ben: You are doing yourself a disservice and you will be at a disadvantage if you don't get involved. By disservice I mean you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to learn and get critiques from professionals and hobbyists of all levels. And you will be at a disadvantage to those people who do get involved. Yes, there is definitively something offered on the boards not offered in school.

No school in the world could afford to employ all the pros we have in the communities that will comment on your stuff.

Andrew: I think it offers direction of a sorts. The schools teach them to be artists... I hope, and we offer a place to apply that skill. A place to measure one's skill against others in a mostly constructive forum.

Q.) What about networking? Is there an advantage to being a member of an online community? Is there a disadvantage?

Ben: Yes, many times if you are a well known member of the community places you apply to will have at least one of two employees who can both recommender you, as well as talk to you about the decision. And in today’s market, what's even more important is to be able to grill them about the working conditions.
Andrew: Well again it depends on the person and how they present themselves. If you can make friends and what not, sure that’s good in a general social direction. And yes its generally known that a lot of jobs are through networking. But in my own experience, "community" people are the far minority.

Q.) Would you like to add anything else?

Ben: Somewhere, someone out there is practicing, and when you meet them, they will beat you. Aim to make yourself that someone, somewhere.

Andrew: Its an old saying but its truer than anything else: You gotta do it because you want to, not because you have to.

Thanks to both Ben and Andrew for taking the time to answer my questions.

My hopes with this is that game artists will take the time to join a community, get their work posted, and start the process of becoming better artists.

Get active. By getting active in a community you will help it stay strong.

Offer help when people need it. You do not have to be a “pro” to critique the works of others. If you think someone can benefit from a bit of information you know, offer it up.

Take criticism constructively. No one is out there to tell you you're a poor artist. We all want to see each other succeed. That is the beauty of our industry.

-Adam Bromell

Ben Mathis' website can see at poopinmymouth.com

Andrew Risch's website, Polycount, can be seen at www.Polycount.com

Big thanks to both of them for taking the time to answer my questions. I know their words will help a lot of people. Thanks guys!

Biggups to gauss aswell; my proofreading buddy. Yes, biggups.

This is something I wrote that will be going up on my website very shortly. I thought I'd share with Polycount first.



  • Asthane
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    Asthane polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Q.) What about networking? Is there an advantage to being a member of an online community? Is there a disadvantage?

    Ben: Yes, many times if you are a well known member of the community places you apply to will have at least one of two employees who can both recommender you, as well as talk to you about the decision. And in today’s market, what's even more important is to be able to grill them about the working conditions.
    Andrew: Well again it depends on the person and how they present themselves. If you can make friends and what not, sure that’s good in a general social direction. And yes its generally known that a lot of jobs are through networking. But in my own experience, "community" people are the far minority.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Other than the dubious usefulness of being recommendereded, looks good wink.gif
  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    I'm probably the biggest online community lover on the planet. I advise everybody at school that they should be posting their stuff on forums like this. It's such a great way of improving yourself:

    1. A lot of people here really know the stuff, you want to learn.
    2. People on the internet will tell you what people won't tell you in real life. Simply because nobody wants to offend somebody or sound terribly anal or whatsoever.

    I have to admit that I owe everything to polycount. When I was still living at my parents and going to high school I liked my virtual life on forums and irc better then my own. Allthough I only have read the text you guys type and the avatars you guys use, I really feel that some of you guys are my friends, in some bizare way.
    I love forums for everything, critique, networking, job hunting, bullshitting with fellow artists, learning about art, learning English, learning about other countries and cultures. Really, I'd like to give polycount and all of it's members and founding fathers a big THANK YOU, for filling up my life and for giving the start shot for everything I'm trying to ahieve in the future.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    holycrap, poop is X-TREME!!! good points on both sides.. i had an image in my head of andrew dressed like budda, with a calming reasuring voice.. practice your craft, breathe in breathe out, listen to waves in the distance crash as... then poop crashes through a brick wall with a rocket launcher for a penis and starts blowing everything up.. then saying.. you see this?!! Do you see this??!! this is the voice of reason and its a large cock that happens to shoot nuclear warheads out of the tip!!! yo want one of these!!??, i bet you do.. well guess what?? there is a guy with one bigger than mine and yours and its aimed at your head right now you little shit!! what are you going to do?? huh? what??!! ANSWER ME MAGGOT!!! oh great, your going to cry.. hey sissy.. should of stayed in art scool with the rest of the fags..
    then he blows said kid to bits..

    i on one hand was taught art in this same iron fisted survival of the fittest manor by my mentor and painting instructor.. and while he was hated by most, made the graphic design chicks cry quite frequently.. he was an excellent teacher and for the people that truley wanted to make art he pushed us further then we could of ever gotten on our own..
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    cool man smile.gif

    personaly i think that forums are important, especialy if you can't involve yourself in a local art community, but i still think that your best source of critique is yourself, and a good reference sheet. other people are extremely important, however, to teach you about various arts theories that otherwise you'd have no way of knowing.

    anyway that's my 2 cents.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    holycrap, poop is X-TREME!!! good points on both sides.. i had an image in my head of andrew dressed like budda, with a calming reasuring voice.. practice your craft, breathe in breathe out, listen to waves in the distance crash as... then poop crashes through a brick wall with a rocket launcher for a penis and starts blowing everything up.. then saying.. you see this?!! Do you see this??!! this is the voice of reason and its a large cock that happens to shoot nuclear warheads out of the tip!!! yo want one of these!!??, i bet you do.. well guess what?? there is a guy with one bigger than mine and yours and its aimed at your head right now you little shit!! what are you going to do?? huh? what??!! ANSWER ME MAGGOT!!! oh great, your going to cry.. hey sissy.. should of stayed in art scool with the rest of the fags..
    then he blows said kid to bits..

    [/ QUOTE ]


  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    arsh, thats awesome.
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Are you a bad enough dude to work in game industry?
  • hawken
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Sounds good, I couldn't afford art school so teaching myself 3dstudio max and the wealth of knowledge at polycount helped me land an art job with ea. I think this forum, and forums in general are invaluable for the hobbiest and 3d student looking to improve their skill and learn more about the industry they hope to work in.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I have found RL contacts and people to be much more rewarding in my growth so far than internet boards. User groups, sketch groups, figure sessions, IGDA meetings.

    Nothing works better than eye to eye contact.
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Very true oXYnary, but I have Polycount and ConceptArt to thank for getting the local sketch group started here in Dallas. So the one helps the other. It's useful to approach a group knowing people by their reputation and their work; having an online presence makes for better recognition sometimes.

  • amadikus
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    amadikus polycounter lvl 18
    Before a friend of mine told me to get involved in Polycount I was quite apprehensive. I had just switched professions from portrait artist to concept designer and character modeler. I felt intimidated because of insecurities and just being new to a new and growing industry. Not to mention that I'm older than many of the board contributors. But I must admit having overcome my insecurities, Polycount has been an invaluable and priceless commodity to and for me. I want to personnally thank everyone for what this forum has done for me. Thanks AdamBrome for this topic.
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    Nice read, brom. If you don't mind I will post it on Mapcore.net as well and link to your site~
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    yah sure, i should have it up on my site soon. Keep in mind that this is geared towards students / people skeptical of posting their work. So anyone whom you talk with online but not through a messageboard should check it out.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    why'd you bump this you silly head?
    a.) i already read this.
    b.) the people reading this, are apart of an online community.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    its for comments on what they thought - and to pass around!

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I used to defend school in the past but I think that it hurt me in the long run, I probably had a better chance of getting a job before I spent 2 years at community college and 3 years at AiFL.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    School Bahh. wink.gif Don't get me wrong, school is important but just because you go to one doesn't mean you'll be ready for a job in the industry, in fact that is rarely the case. I really wish I had learned of Polycount way back in 1998. I didn't learned about it until I graduated. The only way I was able to learn low poly techniques was through Polycount and plus I meet some really cool people on the forums. I wouldn't know half of what I know about making game art without you guys. Also most books I go look at just cover hi res modeling and fluff, nothing really geared toward getting noobs like me, good enough to get into the industry. That's why I liked Paul Steeds book because it showed things in depth and not just fluffed over them, it's a real shame he didn't show how he textures things since that information is more important than modeling and lacking... Thanks.

  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I think schooling can be helpful to those who have no clue where to start, and have no previous experience, and have recently bought (yeah, right) or considered buying apps they've never used. That or just RTFM. F1!

    For others, schooling may go at a much slower pace than desired...or paid for. Communities are great to build a network of those with similar goals. It's very much who you know in this industry. Feedback can be helpful to build a stronger method of design...basically instructing you on what to avoid next attempt, and where to focus more energy. Where to give closer observation, and how to optimize for specific uses.

    Sometimes I feel getting too involved in a community setting can be a disadvantage, as you'll begin to see the effects of 'monkey see, monkey do'. Game Design is a business (or just a larger portion), and the best get paid. So everyone attempts to follow the leader. The ability to expand on ideas is limited and often discouraged due to standards. As artist work with larger teams on various assets, individuality is lost. Most begin to imbreed into one expected style, fuel by best sellers, and the community members who helped create them. But that's just business. It's easier to teach business than it is creativity.

    For artists, the only limitation is their own mind. Grabbing knowledge from experience, books, tutorials, traditional skills, their surroundings can be very helpful. For several years, I've attended the University of Google.

    So it's great to get involved with communities for the networking, motivation and feedback. It's great to keep up with newest trends and methods as well. But alone, it's not education.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Adam don't be a Nancy Important and go bumping your own thread like it's your very first pimp thread! come on man. smile.gif
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    This isn't exactly on topic, but I thought I'd chime in as the rare example of someone with too much education. I earned a pair of degrees in design and can barely get a job interview. More than once, I've lost positions to other applicants with lesser portfolios and just bachelor's degrees (based on what I've seen of their online work/resume). Now either the resumes and cover letters I send out are accidentally laced with anthrax and the recipients die before they can call me *or* they look at my credentials, decide they've no interest in paying whatever they think my degrees are supposed to command and toss my application in the waste basket.

    I am qualified to teach at a university, got that one nailed. For anything else, I've found I actually get more nibbles if I pretend I *didn't* spend the time and effort to get my master's degree. Isn't that just wonderful?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Adam don't be a Nancy Important and go bumping your own thread like it's your very first pimp thread! come on man. smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was bumped years ago you late weiner.
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