Seriously we ought to have a sketch club meet one day in Seattle. I never once made one of those sketch jams in Dallas, but what the hell, I live near Dallas and I can't be buggered to drive to Quakecon much less a sketch session.
But to go to Seattle, for an impromtu sketching session, drinking bookstore coffee with my own bourbon poured into it. I'd fly across the country to draw in a place where it actually rained before I'd drive twenty minutes to draw in a place I live
Seriously we ought to have a sketch club meet one day in Seattle. I never once made one of those sketch jams in Dallas, but what the hell, I live near Dallas and I can't be buggered to drive to Quakecon much less a sketch session.
But to go to Seattle, for an impromtu sketching session, drinking bookstore coffee with my own bourbon poured into it. I'd fly across the country to draw in a place where it actually rained before I'd drive twenty minutes to draw in a place I live
Count me in if it happens
I would say something about stereotyping us seattleites, but sadly thats kind of how I imagine it being like too...
Lately its been snow though
(Seattle rain festival, Jan. 1st - Dec. 31st.)