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New Nintendo Patent

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New Nintendo patent may provide Revolution insight
Rob Fahey 15:23 28/11/2005
Virtual Console functionality may be detailed in recently granted US patent

A patent granted last month to Nintendo by the US Patent Office may give new insight into the "Virtual Console" system in the Revolution console, which will allow players to access the firm's back catalogue of titles on the new system.

The patent, No 6,955,606, provides details of a technology which allows a technologically superior console to play games from an older, technologically inferior device, using emulation software and a game selection interface.

Nintendo has previously announced that the Revolution will play a back catalogue of NES, SNES, N64 and GameCube titles, with games for the first three systems being made available for download online or bundled on Revolution game discs.

The system also has half a gigabyte of built-in flash memory for storing software, and according to the new patent, players will be able to select which game they want to play from a screen which lists series according to their specific franchises, and view additional information about it on a dedicated game screen for each title.

Older game titles can be played entirely on the Revolution's IBM PowerPC CPU, while for newer games - presumably 3D ones from the N64 and Cube - the emulation process will also pull in the power of the new machine's ATI-designed graphics unit.

One interesting mention in the patent is that some titles may offer updates to the original content, such as the ability to play as new characters or to upgrade the graphics of the title - although obviously, such changes will require re-coding, whereas titles which are identical to the originals will not.

Although the Revolution Virtual Console is certainly the Nintendo product most likely to feature the technology described in this patent, it isn't the first time that Nintendo has included emulation and game selection options in its products - the most recent to do so being the Nintendo DS.

The patent filing document suggests that it was originally filed in February 2001 and was only approved in October, suggesting that Nintendo has been planning the Virtual Console functionality for its next-generation system since around the launch of the GameCube

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Not groundbreaking news, but thought it was worth sharing as this is definately the console Im most excited about playing.

On a side note - is anybody working on, or know anyone who is working on games for the "Revolution"? I've seen a few murmurs on TheChaosEngine of people not wanting to breach NDAs but basically saying that they are working on stuff... or at least trying stuff out for the system, which is a good sign as I cant remember many UK dev. co.s making games for the Cube. I dont think that dev-kits have been released yet but Im sure a couple of the top Japanese dev teams must have some early prototypes.


  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yeah... can't really be sure, but the Revolution could very possibly be the first of the next generation consoles i'd buy. Nintendo's strategy is to zag when the other big boys are busy zigging. i'm anxious to try out the nunchaku as well smile.gif
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    yeah the nintendo is the coolest one so far.. the design of the console is top notch and i see it matching well with any entertainment setup.. while i dont think i could find the right combination of curvy swurvy electronics to match the confusing concave design of the xbox, and changing faceplates dosent make up for the fact that concavity works on a tree not a piece of electronics, i remember when apple thought it was a good idea to make curvy electronics, i also remember them looking stupid, guess microsoft didnt get the memo.. and i dont have the money to build an extra room to fit the monstrosity that is the ps3, or a 4x4 truck, and from sonys last press release that is what you have to own to bring the console home from the stores... in other news the sale of 4x4 trucks has quadrupeled after the sony press release... also all the major automotive manufactures have included the special "sony cab" option on all of the 2006 model trucks.. it is an enlarged cab, 3 times the size of a normal truck cab, so you can lay the playstation 3 down flat in the bed and not have to stick it in sideways possibly damaging the box..
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