If you get this month's Game Developer magazine, the last page "A Thousand Words" piece has Daz's latest bond characters featured (the same stuff he posted here).
The artwork is credited to "Electronic Arts Redwood City art team, under art director Dave Carson." I know Daz probably gets magazine covers and such all the time, I just thought it was funny that he did nearly all the work himself and got no name credit.

It's ok Daz, at least they didn't give the credit to EA SUPER LAZER POWER 3D SCANNER 5000.
congrats daz..
Daz is the Super Laser Power 3D Scanner 5000!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ha ha ha, its funny because it's true.
Congrats Daz, we all know you're the man behind the curtain
Thanks doc. I had no idea and haven't seen it. I shall have to look out for it. Yeah, I'm kinda thick skinned about the whole 'not receiving credit' thing by now! One has to be when one works for EA
anyway congrats daz, mut be cool. you seem to be pushing the envelope where others are pulling it
you seem to be pushing the envelope where others are pulling it
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm.. now that i think of it, its really relative if you push or pull the envelop, it depends on which side of the table you are. And when you push and the person opposite the table pulls then the envelope moves double fast!
Anyways grats Daz, your Bond chars are worth every cubic inch of paper they are given!
Robert Shaw and Daniela Bianchi look great too.
Do you also do the in-game models, or just the high-res promotional pieces?
Always a pleasure seeing your work.
Robert Shaw was SouL's work actually. I think it was petty much the last thing he did before he left.
Thanks for the link, and the closeups.