Let's see, freaky monster, swat guy, sewer level, industrial scene, crates, fire in background, weapon that could be a shotgun. Everything seems to be in order.
The scale of that red leaping monster in the second shot kept really throwing me off. I couldn't decide if it was the size of the room, or just quite small and close up. Probably the latter.
I was wondering why they need long, thin elbow pads on their armour suits? Do people often aim for the back of the elbow enough that you need inch-thick metal armour there?
I love big thick elbow/knee pads. I'm not sure if you've ever played any sports MoP, but if you've ever taken a hard tumble on concrete with the right pads it's like falling on pillows, cozy, warm pillows.
cholden, sports pads, yes, i agree!
i ain't never seen no sports pads that looked like iron bars strapped to the elbow
that's cosy warm pain, not pillows
this looks fun but i echo the groans on the environment and character types.... same ol', same ol'. the problem i have, with the environment-only screenshot for example, is how much the generi-future setting is killing all the believable details. HL2 of course had a very believable setting filled with all manner of little details, and even Doom 3 (when it isn't monster closet-ing you) is chock full of believable scene-setting. the screenshots from this just look like computer game worlds.
i have no problem with essentially going with the same old story (HL2 is still basically your classic invasion story with elements of 1984)... just please invest the world with authentic-seeming details that make sense in that world.
Yea, and look how SUpes has never gotten old or grown as a character. Sure, sure for awhile he gets doubts, dies, or a costume change. But int he end he remains Supes. He has been stuck as a 2D image.
so yeah guys all buy this game, help pay my sallary!
Anyways the cool thing about this game is that its going to be community driven, we'll be able to determine how people play the game and based on the overal "reaction" (stats) and adjust the story/gameplay accordingly. Also keep in mind this is episode one, and our team is really small so we're just getting the basics in, once thats all in we'll be able to focus on cool bosses and kickass new locations and weapons. I mean this thing is only going to get better. Plus you won't have to wait years to see it all come together.
Somehow that room shot looks like an updated version of the first SiNTek level in the original game. Originality? Kinda doubt it.
I'm less worried about the bizarre elbow pads than I am about that SWAT guy's forefinger phasing through his weapon. When I see allegedly-next-gen models, I'm more impressed if they don't have clipping issues. Am I wrong on this?
But whatever, Rockstar is on the job, so buckle up!
Yeah, that doesn't exactly look stellar, but Im a sucker. I'll buy it anyway I'm sure.
I don't know why, even though they arent totally awesome, I keep buying Rituals games.
They are like the John Carpenter of Video games. Sorta over-the-top hard rock stoner studio who when they hit, they HIT, and when the suck...they really suck. But I pony up the cash every time, because in the end...I still like the odds.
Plus, we've gotta do our part to keep Vitaly in hookers & blow.
I'm less worried about the bizarre elbow pads than I am about that SWAT guy's forefinger phasing through his weapon. When I see allegedly-next-gen models, I'm more impressed if they don't have clipping issues. Am I wrong on this?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I don't personally consider the Source engine to be particularly 'next gen' but anyway, what you're pointing out doesn't have much to do with the engine. It's just sloppy animation. Or to be fair, it probably stems from not having enough memory for unique weapon holding animations per weapon. But yeah, as said, fix it Vitaliy!
and what's with the title "Emergence" ? is this the cool new word in the business these days? first it's Gears of War with their "Emergence Day" when the alie--i mean, underground dudes come out, and now SiN Episodes (first episode?) is called Emergence? what the hell, people. that's what i say.
I was wondering why they need long, thin elbow pads on their armour suits? Do people often aim for the back of the elbow enough that you need inch-thick metal armour there?
that monster I think is jumping at the camara mop
fire looks nice,looking forward to it.
i ain't never seen no sports pads that looked like iron bars strapped to the elbow
that's cosy warm pain, not pillows
b1ll for the w1n.
The whole cyborgs on mars thing, getting a bit fucking old.
Oh yeah. And maybe an ending. God forbid...
I have nothing good to say about it, so I'll just end it right here.
this looks fun but i echo the groans on the environment and character types.... same ol', same ol'. the problem i have, with the environment-only screenshot for example, is how much the generi-future setting is killing all the believable details. HL2 of course had a very believable setting filled with all manner of little details, and even Doom 3 (when it isn't monster closet-ing you) is chock full of believable scene-setting. the screenshots from this just look like computer game worlds.
i have no problem with essentially going with the same old story (HL2 is still basically your classic invasion story with elements of 1984)... just please invest the world with authentic-seeming details that make sense in that world.
im sure i have played this game already
it looks so ripped off
so yeah guys all buy this game, help pay my sallary!
Anyways the cool thing about this game is that its going to be community driven, we'll be able to determine how people play the game and based on the overal "reaction" (stats) and adjust the story/gameplay accordingly. Also keep in mind this is episode one, and our team is really small so we're just getting the basics in, once thats all in we'll be able to focus on cool bosses and kickass new locations and weapons. I mean this thing is only going to get better. Plus you won't have to wait years to see it all come together.
i knew i smelled cheap vodka.
That, and you got to support the local studios.
I'll be getting this when it comes out.
- BoBo
I'm less worried about the bizarre elbow pads than I am about that SWAT guy's forefinger phasing through his weapon. When I see allegedly-next-gen models, I'm more impressed if they don't have clipping issues. Am I wrong on this?
But whatever, Rockstar is on the job, so buckle up!
I don't know why, even though they arent totally awesome, I keep buying Rituals games.
They are like the John Carpenter of Video games. Sorta over-the-top hard rock stoner studio who when they hit, they HIT, and when the suck...they really suck. But I pony up the cash every time, because in the end...I still like the odds.
Plus, we've gotta do our part to keep Vitaly in hookers & blow.
I'm less worried about the bizarre elbow pads than I am about that SWAT guy's forefinger phasing through his weapon. When I see allegedly-next-gen models, I'm more impressed if they don't have clipping issues. Am I wrong on this?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I don't personally consider the Source engine to be particularly 'next gen' but anyway, what you're pointing out doesn't have much to do with the engine. It's just sloppy animation. Or to be fair, it probably stems from not having enough memory for unique weapon holding animations per weapon. But yeah, as said, fix it Vitaliy!
Well, the weapons could have been designed so one animation fits all...
[/ QUOTE ]
NO NO NO! Then it would be PLANNING and PLANNING is for COMMUNISTS!!!!!
Well, the weapons could have been designed so one animation fits all...
[/ QUOTE ]
NO NO NO! Then it would be PLANNING and PLANNING is for COMMUNISTS!!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
rockstar IS a commie, though