So i couldn't find a post about this game, so I'm just gonna post.
Anyways tbh before I got it i had VERY low expectations, I honestly thought this game was gonna suck balls. But someone made me rent it and ... well... OMG is this game fun as SHIT!!!
I LOVE IT!!! its really fun, the atmosphere is friggin awesome, like thats totally how i'd imagine wild west ... and stuff
and I played texas holdem with these mexicans and i took alll their moneys... and I went and bought POWERFULL MEDICINES from the indian drug dealer dude... man ... that was some POWERFULL SHIT.

props to all you guys who worked on this game.

The game though, is pretty fun, albeit short. :P
If it was fun, why complain? I've had way too many games that were kind of fun, but went way too long, and I've never finished.
Glad you enjoyed it Rockstar, this is the first game I've worked on that I really enjoyed myself for the gameplay.
Oh and Astrozombie, again? I thought you got enough last time.
Game: $50 for 8-12 hours
Seems like a good deal to me. Not sure why people feel ripped off when a game is 8 hours. I've found that I tend to get bored with the game after 10-14 hours.
You did your job, always leave them wanting more.
boss fight where more annoying then fun tho, and a bit repetitive, but still fun,
I had to skip most of the video tho, There was like one every 2 seconds Lol, So ya, I assume I finish the game, I skip the last few videos Lol
Was entertaining.
When you see people say a game is too short, normally that is just the right length. Chances are they will pick up an X-Pack or #2.
You did your job, always leave them wanting more.
[/ QUOTE ]True. My older bro's definitely looking for a #2'er, as he liked GUN but felt it too short.
so with games i find the same is true, if the pacing is right for the gameplay and you leave the game feeling satisfied, then its the right length..even if the game is set up for a sequel there is way to end it and not feel ripped.. LOTR did this wonderfully..
if the game has the setup and pacing of soemthing epic and then only delivers an episode worth of fun then its too short. there is a ratio in there someplace, i dont know if gun was too short but have played many games that were too long, and it almost always has to do with the pacing..
so if people are finding the game too short it might be that the game was made to be an epic story and didnt come through with the set up.. there are a million and one tricks on setting someone up for a ride. it can be a theme park ride to a movie or a game.. anything.. if you make a game 3 mins, but set this person up correctly for the 3 mins, they can walk away from the experience feeling satisfied, handheld games do this all the time.. there are tons of factors involved in the length. ultimatly you are making this game for the public.. if the vast majority of the public thinks its too short i think its a tad ignorant to say "i didnt know length was part of game" sure it is.. but the actual time involved in the length is totally dependent upon the pacing.. so untill i play the game i wont comment on the length of GUN specifically, but i will chime in and say there is a factor that has to do with the length of a game, and a game can be too long or too short. a game can also end exactly were it should and leave the player feeling satisfied with the experence.. and i think the fact that games have been made that do just that gives anyone the right to think that the experience wasnt porportional to the pacing..
my 2 cents
I'm with you about the game lenght, as soon as i had good time playing it, it's good to me (PoP 1 is pretty short, but it's 12 hours of big fun, while final fantasy 10 is damn too long for me and too boring...). plus, most casual gamers don't finish games, even if they are 8 hours long.
as for GUN, i had a lot of fun playing it, but as I spent all my time searching for secrets and completing side missions rather than main missions, I was a bit disapointed when I finished the last mission, because I didn't felt involved in the story (which is like 10 missions long).
but overall the game was pretty cool, and the gameplay was very good, which always helps.
I bought HL2 and it was way more than 12hrs of fun. Hell Starcraft was 60 dollars and I have had 100's of hours of fun with it. Counter-strike...same deal.
I have played fear for more than 12 already, and I'm still going.
These are my benchmarks.
I think GUN got a bad's a good game from what I can tell thus far. Good job from the NS guys!