I was planning on creating an alien environment a little while back but I had some issues with the Torque engine and alpha sorting and I kind of gave up on it. I'm starting over, here's an alien tree that I whipped up today, 768 polygons with a 1024x1024 texture
yeah, I guess it is sort of big, I dropped it down and did some texture overlays on it to spruce it up a bit. I'm already losing interest in this thing again :P
I'm actually thinking of recreating some environments from Wayne Barlowe's Expedition in UT2004
your branches, while not really obvious on the finished models (at least in the screens shown) seem to be a spainted shape, with a bevel emboss layer effect, then an overlay thrown over, the bevel embos works ok on the thinner parts of the branches, but near the wider parts it looks off, like it is flat plywood or something with sligntly beveld edges,, not really conveying a feeling of roundness, i would try and paint this sort of effect by hand, to get a full roundish shape maybe, also work with your overlay so it apears to follow the same path of the branches,
overall its a neat tree, but could use some fine tuning to make it greatersist
I'm actually thinking of recreating some environments from Wayne Barlowe's Expedition in UT2004
overall its a neat tree, but could use some fine tuning to make it greatersist