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Compile errors for hl2?

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
more specifically, the collision meshes.

basically, if i try and export a collision mesh through max (using version 7), then using cannonfodders compile tools, choose the appropriate files for the reference smd, animation smd, and collision smd's. the physics model doesnt show up.

i tried exporting to .xsi and importing to the xsi mod tools, and exporting from there, and it will at least show up in the model viewer, but it will be at 90 degrees to the model on both the x and y axies, and will be one complete mesh, rather than one object per bone.

does anyone have any advice? ive gone through countless pages on the Wiki to find out about this, and now its just infuriating me to no end.


  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Have you made sure to assign the same texture to the collsion model as you have on your normal model? Cannonfodders tools doesn't export anything unless you assign a texture to the collision model. This really pissed me off until I found out that this is what you had to do.
    Also make sure that every element has one smoothing group each, and that you have rigged the collision model to a bone.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ok, thanks for the help on the texture thing. now it appears in the model viewer, and all the segments are in the right place. but now its still all one mesh, not individual links.

    i rigged, for example, the foot collision mesh to the foot, the calf to the calf bone, the thigh to the thigh bone etc. and they all have an absolute 1 weighting.

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm, I haven't used HL2 tools before, but from your last post, it sounds like you're rigging the collision mesh to the bones using Skin/Physique modifier? Have you tried just using Select and Link to constrain each section of the collision mesh to the skeleton?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    just tried that, and when i looked in the viewer, it still only showed one mesh, but all the elements were here there and everywhere. (for your info, i have already reset x-form everything, its standard practice to me hehe)
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