I am reading a book called Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right By Jason Osipa and in the book he creates his blend shapes using both sides of the face at the same time and then after creating his set, he uses this plugin for maya called xyWeightedBlend.mll to create two different blend shapes (one that controls the leftside of the face and one for the right) for each original blend shape. I was wondering if there is such a plugin for max? I have searched scriptspot.com and found a couple scripts that mirror weights but none that can create two different shapes from one. The reason I am looking for such a plugin/script is because it is very difficult to create blend shapes for assymetrical facial poses. The difficulty is found when trying to use two sliders that affect symmetrical parts of the face. For example, trying to get "sneer left" and a "sneer right" to affect the middle of the lip correctly. The additive nature of the morpher modifier makes it very difficult. Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?
Duplicate a copy of the unposed face. Split it in half, and detach the two halves so they are two seperate meshes. Take your posed face, and do the same to it. Then match each half up with its corresponding mate on the unposed face, attach the two, and weld verts. Don't know about scripting this though