I don't really have a problem with this, designing a character is an art onto itself. I've had more than a few requests to draw characters for dnd or what have you, and the things they come up with either don't make any sense or are so god awful I feel embarrassed for them and try to slink out of it without appearing like a total flake.
I have to say, a make human button is drastically different from a make ART button.
Just a thought, movies have been using auto generated humans for ages yet there are still tons of art jobs in the movie industry, and it still requires a creative mind.
Also auto generated characters dont do squat for a stylized game.
Just a thought, movies have been using auto generated humans for ages yet there are still tons of art jobs in the movie industry, and it still requires a creative mind.
[/ QUOTE ]
It has elements of truth, but I'm not so convinced by your statement as a whole. I think a hell of a lot less 'pure' character modeling goes on in film CG than you'd think actually. An awful damn lot of it is resurfacing digitized scans ( as you touch on ) and other technically driven processes. CG movies? Sure, character modeling and creativity in abundance. CG FX? Not nearly as much as we'd ( like to ) think. We've had a TON of movie guys interviewing at work over the last couple ofd months and my God, I'm so sick and tired of having to ask the question ( since it isn't information that they're offering up ) "So, that head there. Did you model that from scratch or did you have a scan?" and the answer is invariably "well yeah, I had a scan!" in a tone of sort of 'well duh. Like, you expect me to model a likeness without one?!'
There will always* be a need for tailor made characters. This stuff doesn't really worry me.
*when i say 'always' I really mean within my working lifetime ;-p
The gnomon workshop I was at a week or so ago had a guy who gave a lecture on creating workable geometry from a scanned in face. He had made a lot of cool stuff like the hell cycle in ghost rider (from a scan) and what not. Anyways, throughout the lecture he kept trying to convince us that he was an artist, when all he really needed to be able to do was have an understanding of correct meshflow.
Ah well, most jobs will get automated eventually. As long as Im the person in charge before it happens to my job, then I'll be just fine with it.
Daz i think you missed my point, i was halfway joking in referring to non cg films as using generated characters....human actors yet there's still a requirement for artists in the movie industry.
I think what 'may' happen for us in the game industry is that as we're required to create super high poly character less focus will be placed on making them look like a real person and more focus will be on giving them 'character'. I can see where we'll still be modeling tons of shit, but have to worry less about the tedius shit that gets redone each time you make a character.
Ah, yes, gotta love it when some idiot wants to make a game, whips something up in Poser and says he made a game character...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! Or better still how some losers keep making reproductions of female anime style models from games & cartoons...*cough*
[/ QUOTE ]
"Look, I took an unmodified MakeHuman basemesh, added a pistol made from three cubes and now have a game character! Yay me!". Well, still better than "Look, I found the button to make my material behave like glass! Marvel at my beautiful glass sphere on checkerboard floor!".
I'm with Earthquake here. Consistensy is a crucial part of game design, and several of my characters use the same base. I'm using morph targets to tweak muscle mass etc, even working on muscle dynamics. So this is a ncie way to see it in action without wasting time.
You will always have bryce and poser kids gumming up art. The issue is that I don't see one notable artist or credited person who uses it and has gained employment and the recognition of his peers for it. So i'd relax. This is the same garbage as that monster maker app for truspace a while back. You can spot the topology for miles.
Like Q4 for instance. God damned repetative game. LOOXORS I HAVE 5 MODELDS!?!? <sorry>
Point being, you'll notice it, flame it, and the war will go on with talent on top as always.
the company Im at recently got poser to create fill-in characters that we don't have time to make by hand, such as dudes in crowds who need to look different and have correct proportions, and just look like generic people. Things like poser have their place in production as long as theyre used appropriately.
There is still plenty these apps can't do. So it's very easy to put the "artists" who use these apps out of a job and force them to learn some fundamental skills. Atleast until they release MakeGargoyle 0.2, and MakeAnimeSchoolGirlSlut 5.7 Pro.
other alternatives include:
Well, cheap...art is created, not generated in my definition. The base model was created, and is art. But clicking a few buttons to morph topogoly takes no skill and defines no character. Hence, not art. But very usfull in certain production situations.
The better app, would be a physique tie-in. Make your own base mesh, apply a special physique that will attempt to push verts to the different variations. It can be done, facegen allows you to use your own models if setup correctly.
Ah, yes, gotta love it when some idiot wants to make a game, whips something up in Poser and says he made a game character...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! Or better still how some losers keep making reproductions of female anime style models from games & cartoons...*cough*
Just a thought, movies have been using auto generated humans for ages
Also auto generated characters dont do squat for a stylized game.
<end random interjection
Just a thought, movies have been using auto generated humans for ages
[/ QUOTE ]
It has elements of truth, but I'm not so convinced by your statement as a whole. I think a hell of a lot less 'pure' character modeling goes on in film CG than you'd think actually. An awful damn lot of it is resurfacing digitized scans ( as you touch on ) and other technically driven processes. CG movies? Sure, character modeling and creativity in abundance. CG FX? Not nearly as much as we'd ( like to ) think. We've had a TON of movie guys interviewing at work over the last couple ofd months and my God, I'm so sick and tired of having to ask the question ( since it isn't information that they're offering up ) "So, that head there. Did you model that from scratch or did you have a scan?" and the answer is invariably "well yeah, I had a scan!" in a tone of sort of 'well duh. Like, you expect me to model a likeness without one?!'
There will always* be a need for tailor made characters. This stuff doesn't really worry me.
*when i say 'always' I really mean within my working lifetime ;-p
The gnomon workshop I was at a week or so ago had a guy who gave a lecture on creating workable geometry from a scanned in face. He had made a lot of cool stuff like the hell cycle in ghost rider (from a scan) and what not. Anyways, throughout the lecture he kept trying to convince us that he was an artist, when all he really needed to be able to do was have an understanding of correct meshflow.
Ah well, most jobs will get automated eventually. As long as Im the person in charge before it happens to my job, then I'll be just fine with it.
I think what 'may' happen for us in the game industry is that as we're required to create super high poly character less focus will be placed on making them look like a real person and more focus will be on giving them 'character'. I can see where we'll still be modeling tons of shit, but have to worry less about the tedius shit that gets redone each time you make a character.
Ah, yes, gotta love it when some idiot wants to make a game, whips something up in Poser and says he made a game character...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! Or better still how some losers keep making reproductions of female anime style models from games & cartoons...*cough*
[/ QUOTE ]
"Look, I took an unmodified MakeHuman basemesh, added a pistol made from three cubes and now have a game character! Yay me!". Well, still better than "Look, I found the button to make my material behave like glass! Marvel at my beautiful glass sphere on checkerboard floor!".
You will always have bryce and poser kids gumming up art. The issue is that I don't see one notable artist or credited person who uses it and has gained employment and the recognition of his peers for it. So i'd relax. This is the same garbage as that monster maker app for truspace a while back. You can spot the topology for miles.
Like Q4 for instance. God damned repetative game. LOOXORS I HAVE 5 MODELDS!?!? <sorry>
Point being, you'll notice it, flame it, and the war will go on with talent on top as always.
i love these
other alternatives include:
You make that sound like it hasn't already happened.
The better app, would be a physique tie-in. Make your own base mesh, apply a special physique that will attempt to push verts to the different variations. It can be done, facegen allows you to use your own models if setup correctly.