US $450.00! OMG Poop! I'm sure you'll get it into the $1000s. Since they are so rare at the moment. I'll take a chance and find one locally later in the week
I went to best buy this morning and people were camping outside ready for tomorow. walmart had a raffle at 12.01am, everyone is going crazy! its Playstation 2 all over again!
Because I only played my original Xbox about 20 hours total, and I don't really have any must have games coming out on it. I don't really know why I signed up for the preorder at Neversoft, but watching the xbox's go for 700+ on Ebay makes me glad I did.
I went to best buy this morning and people were camping outside ready for tomorow. walmart had a raffle at 12.01am, everyone is going crazy! its Playstation 2 all over again!
(yah yah, bad pun)