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First Thread, Fighting Game characters Update 12-6

polycounter lvl 17
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Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
Here's my first thread. Since getting back from Prague, I've been on fire, concepting and building characters for a fighting game that's only ever going to exist in my head. Here's the first two characters.FowlThunder.sized.jpg

Comments are welcome.


  • Glasswalker
  • thnom
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    thnom polycounter lvl 18
    You seem to have gotten the style and everything about the concepts down to a tee- good job.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Hey man, it was nice meeting you in Prague. These characters are cool, I just would have liked to see the super extreme proportions of the concepts carried over a little more strictly to the models, as they seem a bit more dynamic.

  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Those knockers are dynamic.

    Nice work sticking to concept.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Very JoJo's Bizzare Adventure mixed with Thrill Kill. I'm modeling Necro from SF3 for zbrush practice heh.

    /pets his KOF lighter *cough*
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Thnom- Thanks. I made some changes, but I'm happy with the results.

    Poop- Hey man, thanks for the comments. I know it's somewhat of a disappointment to not get as crazy as the concepts, but I needed to make some tradeoffs to make them actually work in 3D.

    Elysium- I prefer to call them Winnebagos. And they are dynamic. I'll post the jumping rope animation sometime.

    Downsizer - Thrill Kill just didn't get out to enough people. This idea isn't as hardcore, but the emphasis is on the wild, colorful characters. Again, it's all in my head.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Those knockers are dynamic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol!! wink.gif

    ye this is really good stuff.
    i wouldn't worry about your proportions either.. you know your shit.
    id personally like to see the color more "gamey" and less BW. everything looks kinda washed-off and i think *that goes againts your style.. get some flashy colorz in there.

    and post more smile.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    These are pretty cool. I like the designs.

    However, Shotgun is right on with the colours, I was gonna say the same - maybe it's the way you're rendering them, or the way you've baked lighting in - everything looks kinda dusty and dirty - with this style I'd expect bolder colours and sharper edges, but all the texturing looks kinda blurry and, as shotgun says, washed off.

    If it is just the lighting, try showing them 100% self-illuminated, maybe the presentation will be better then - at the moment it looks like you have some sort of default GI lighting over everything.

    Good work on the concepts and models in general though, keep it up.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the kind words, Shotgun. And the color comments. I seem to be getting the most comments on shrinking the hands and the textures being not as sharp as they should be. I will have to look at another pass at them. Maybe posting the flats will help.

    MoP, I didn't bake in any lighting into the textures, but I am doing a pretty standard GI lighting scheme on them. I can try some self illumination, see what that does, but I am trying to strike something between a toon render and a painted look.

    Here's the wires, for anyone interested in commenting on them.

  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Here's the next concept and start of the model. I'll be returning to the first models this weekend, sharpening textures and maybe growing the guy's hands back out, but I started this guy already, and thought I'd share.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    From concept to this in one day, thanks to a short day at work prior to the holiday. UVWs and textures today.
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Somehow it doesn't feel over the top enough for what it is. You pulled back from what the concepts show. That first guy's concept is unclear, the last guy lacks pop, he'd work as a background character for the dominatrix.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hey man smile.gif looks nice smile.gif

    i think the proportions on the first dude could be pushed a lot more. the concept is quite interesting, and while the model's pretty good, you could make it as interesting as the concept, i feel.

    the hands could be bigger, and the curves that make up the silohette of the model can be pushed a little more-- perhaps that curve in on the front of the shin could be pushed more... the feet could be given a more interesting shape, right now they're lumpy, like big blobs of pay-dough.. the knees could be lower.. hmm

    overall there's all sorts of little curves on the concept that you dont have on the model that would make it way more interesting. the chin being a perfect example. pick what curves you like and really push them.

    anwyay that's my 2 cents.. nice work really smile.gif
  • EarthQuake
    Dude i love the style of the girl, any chance of getting an SDK for these models? I'de love to try texturing her.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Something about the guy's shirt makes me think it should have a union jack as its pattern...
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i think i prefer the exageration level in the models over the concepts, the concept hands are large to the goofy point,
    and the girls thighs look positively deformed,

    i REALLY like the first 2 characters , but the third seems to lack some of the charm, not sure what it is about him that is not clicking
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    W-C, You've caught a few of the concepts of the game from the characters so far, so I must be doing things right. The first guy is expected to be pretty average Fighting Game default guy. The last guy is partnered with the Dominatrix. More details will follow.

    John_W, thanks for the kind words. There are things about my drawing that I really like, but I just can't pull off in 3D. I am going to go back and try upsizing the hands on the first guy, but I think I agree with Rhinokey, it may look too goofy. I'm gonna give it a try as soon as I can pull myself off of the Fat Submissive. And the feet are really glaring now that they've been called attention to. I'll return to those, maybe individual toes....?

    EQ, I've been trying to upload a Zip file to my site that will include the model and wire jpgs so everyone can join in the fun, but my site isn't playing nice. I'll try again after contacting my provider. I'd love to see people take a go at her textures, I'm flattered that anyone would want to.

    KDR, he's a default "I want to be considered Native American" fighting guy. But maybe a Limey isn't a bad idea for a character in the game.... smile.gif

    Rhinokey, Thanks man. What's funny is that in Prague, some instructors totally ripped into that first drawing, talking about how horrible I was with anatomy, etc.... Thankfully, a wiser instructor years ago instilled in me that despite all opinions to the contrary, if you call it art, it is. And though some will call it trash, some others may pay for it. Which leads me to this image. The concept for this guy does seem kind of tame compared to the Dominatrix. But she's a hard act to follow.

  • EarthQuake
    Send it to earthqke@gmail.com and ill post it up so everyone can dl.

    Oh yeah and if you could include the posed models for the stuff you do send that would be cool for presentation as well.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    It's in the mail. Thanks man, I'm stoked to see everyone jump on her. She won't mind, either.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    hah i really like his gut area. nice smile.gif
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks again John.
    I set these renders up with the texturs self illuminating. It seems to pop the colors out more than the GI I was using. Next up is the rigging for this guy, unless people see glaring texture issues.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Here's the "final" on this team. I say "final" because I'll go back to the textures and add spec maps at time allows in the future. If anyone hasn't built a really fat guy yet, I highly recommend it. Fat folds are fun!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    haha turned out ace! really nice, the fat guy is disgusting smile.gif I think the few hairs combover from the concept could add to the 'fat desperate buisnessman playing away' vibe. Would be sweet to animate a signature move for these guys, or just an idle to show their different styles
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Very refreshing style and really well made!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yes, please refrain from using that GI solution again--the self illum render really shows the work off far better... looking forward to seeing more of these fighters! the animation for the fatty should be very interesting indeed smile.gif
  • EarthQuake
    Heres the sdk for the dominatrix, sorry it took so long for me to post it =) ill post an obj file too later for people who cant load .max or .ase
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    bahahahahahah oh man i love em.

    awesome style and execution. The Slave looks badass.
    looks like an Orgasmo game :P
  • fal$eProfit
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    fal$eProfit polycounter lvl 17
    That's pretty friggin sweet. The fat dude looks like he needs a belly button.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks everyone for the critiques and encouraging words.

    Rooster- I agree, the combover will have to come back before he is truly final. And animations are in the plans, after some other project stuff is done.

    Daz- refreshing is about the highest compliment I'd look for, just means not the same old thing, which I'm bored with myself.

    Gauss- no more GI, I promise. Thanks for the suggestion. smile.gif

    Earthquake- thanks for hosting it. Now let's see everyone's take on her.

    Moose- thanks man.

    FP- there is a bellybutton painted in there,but his hairy belly is kinda covering it. Maybe I can punch it out more.

    Next will be an arena fitting for these characters, and then, more fighters.
  • EarthQuake
    omg, i forgot how evil painting with soft brushes is and how imposible it is to get a feminine looking texture without using them.
    edit: changed pic
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Looks like a good start, maybe a bit too soft where the colors meet from the skin to the lips and in the shadows.

    My friend and artist extrordinaire Joe Pekar took a stab, and this is as far as he got. Thanks Joe.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Here's the arena at the first pass, which looks a bit like a gameshow set. That's on purpose. I'd like any feedback from anyone with real good level layout skills.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Shouldn't the light beams get wider instead of narrower? They look like spikes at first glance.
  • Glasswalker
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    Glasswalker polycounter lvl 17
    Hrm, maybe I did them wrong. I widened them in these, but I'm using fin models. Should I be using cones, with flipped normals? This is just a color shift, to get more color in the level. I'm not sure if a bright palette helps or hurts the bright characters.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure how they're supposed to be done, fins might work, too (especially since the camera won't rotate much in such a game). They just needto get wider because they look like lasers ATM.
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