I've recently been looking at getting a gun, looking at pistols in particular, but maybe a rifle later on. I was wondering if any of you have knowledge on the subject and any advice you can give.
I've shot a few of my fiance's parents' pistols and so far I'm think the .45 bullets are the perfect fit for me.
Sport(range shooting), hunting or self defence?
Self defense is right out, a rifle is a weapon for ranges of 100m and up, not likely in self defense.
As far as rifles, again, a .22LR is a good first rifle (they're cheap and so is the ammo). If you want something a bit more powerful, maybe something like a Ruger Mini-14, which fires .223 Remington (5.56mm). The rifle is light and small like a .22, but the round is a much high velocity bullet which gives it more range, accuracy and makes it more lethal.
That's about all the advice I can give. Someone who actually owns a few guns themselves would probably be better at giving specific recommendations.
[edit] Oh, a lot of posts while I was typing this up
I've fired:
- various .22 pistols and rifles
- 357 magnum
- Kar98
- swedish 7.62 mauser
- verious 10-20 gauge shottys
- 1911 (.45)
Range shooting.
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Then get something that feels good to you. I am a bit fond of .45s myself.
Incidentally, if you happen to have a couple grand lying around and really want to amuse yourself with a video game weapon, FN is now manufacturing a semi-automatic version of the rifle that Sam Fisher uses in Splinter Cell. Alas, silencers generally aren't legal, but it's still a pretty unique looking gun
We used the 5.56 sig 551 during my military service, it's as accurate as a gun can be on 300m. And easy to clean too. I would recommend it for any sport sharpshooter
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Assuming that Ebagg lives in the US, one of those would probably be expensive as hell and damn hard to find. I'm sure it's a much better rifle than a Mini-14 (SIG makes great rifles), but I'd bet it also costs several times what a Mini-14 does. Mini-14s are cheap and reliable, and pretty decent medium-range rifles. I guess it depends on how much he wants to spend.
My father used to hunt (duck, deer, boar, etc) here in CA and back in North Dakota, and I've been wild boar hunting with him once (never saw a single boar... was the opening day for wild turkey season). We've both been busy with our own things over the past few years (college for me and his business for him) so we haven't gone hunting since then, much less been able to go to the rifle / shotgun range very often.
I'd like to hope we can go wild boar hunting again sometime down the road, and if so I'd like to get a handgun as a backup if we did.
We got my sister a .22 and a small gauge shotgun (24 or something like that) a few years back.
shotguns are more interesting than rifles, in my opinion, because you shoot at clay pigeons, which are moving targets and aiming is more instinctive and less 'look through a sight and shoot at a piece of paper'. In short, shotgun = "less thinky, more shooty"
to kill every motherfucker in the
Ak 47.
Accept no substituion.
But I'd go with a Colt .45 handgun.
What kind you ask.
If its in your price range and it fires fine,buy it.
If he was going to say for defence purposes I would show him the world of modern hand to hand(hand vs knife/handgun/knife) street fighting.
Sure lessons cost over $500 or so for good qaulity place(unless you join little kid classes in some school gym,
but you don't need to pay for ammunition and you can allways carry your knowledge with you.
A dessert eagle for shooting ranges?
They're primarily for serious hunters...a first timer wouldn't take the knockback.
We used the 5.56 sig 551 during my military service, it's as accurate as a gun can be on 300m. And easy to clean too. I would recommend it for any sport sharpshooter
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I take it you're Swiss? Hadn't heard of anyone else using the 550 series as their standard assault rifle. Never had a chance to fire one of those, but the 5.56 is a precise round and I generally expect every modern rifle chambered for it to be extremely accurate. The FN FS2000 I mentioned in my first post is 5.56 as well, and it groups shots with ease.
The 551 is the carbine version of the 550, right?
A dessert eagle for shooting ranges?
They're primarily for serious hunters...a first timer wouldn't take the knockback.
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Never heard of anyone taking a Desert Eagle on a hunting trip. In fact, I've never heard of anyone going hunting with a handgun that wasn't a revolver.
That said, I think 'knockback' is greatly exaggerated. I've never fired a .50 AE round, but there's nothing terribly difficult in controlling a .357 or .44 caliber handgun. I'd even suspect that the Desert Eagle's heavy frame makes them easier to return to a firing position than a lot of magnum revolvers that don't have as much heft.
Rifles. You can get a decent rifle for aropund $100.00 used. from Bog 5 Sporting good, These will be military rifles from WW2, there abouts, and the ammo is fairly plentiful.
If you want to get something semi-automatic and "new", go for an SKS, or an M1 - Garand (from the DCM see: www.odcmp.com ).
Take a lesson or two at the local range, especially one on cleaning it.
If you have any other questions, let me know.
A dessert eagle for shooting ranges?
They're primarily for serious hunters...a first timer wouldn't take the knockback.
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LMAO it was a joke! A friend of mine took his Desert Eagle to the shooting range, and everyone stopped shooting & stared when he started firing it. Most of the people there had .40s, .45s, and the likes.
I take it you're Swiss? Hadn't heard of anyone else using the 550 series as their standard assault rifle. Never had a chance to fire one of those, but the 5.56 is a precise round and I generally expect every modern rifle chambered for it to be extremely accurate. The FN FS2000 I mentioned in my first post is 5.56 as well, and it groups shots with ease.
The 551 is the carbine version of the 550, right?
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Yes, I'm swiss. It was my mistake, we used the sig 550. Some units in the swiss army use the shorter sig 551. I mixed them up because we just call it Stgw 90 in Switzerland
I'm curious how FS2000 would handle, I never had the opportunity to fire two different rifles with the same rounds.
Concurs with Sal - lessons are a good thing. Often local Police will help you with that if asked.
Big guns hurt my ears
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That's why you should wear a pair of "ears" when you shoot them:
I removed my earmuffs once when I was at the range with my Uncle shooting his old Mauser... my ears were ringing pretty bad for awhile after that
The reason for wanting a gun is probably the biggest factor in your choice of weapon. Talk to sports shooting clubs, ranges, and the police firearms officer in your area, and don't buy a firearm for the cool factor. There's nothing less cool than someone trying to handle high calibre weapon and hurting themselves or others, or just plain sucking because they're going for calibre over suitability.
The lower end of the scale of calibre for any given sports use is more fun anyway, for the simple reason that the weapon has less impact on your body, and thus your aim and comfort.
More importantly, sort out safe and secure storage for it, be that at a range, club, or in a gun safe at home, and get yourself trained up in firearms safety and law.
.45 bullets the perfect fit for you? What *does* that mean?
Milla: that's cool my fiance's favorite is her lever-action .22 rifle, tis fun. The .45 pistol is a perfect fit for me because it's got that right amount of kick allowing for me to fire multiple shots quickly while maintaining a good amount of accuracy, and cuz it makes them zombie brains pop like ripe melons!
My large frame and masochistic tendencies have it so I don't mind large callibers in rifles. And when I was on duty for ACS I carried a.45 Cal. Glock.