Hasn't it been a while since we had one of those digital photography threads? Isnt it about time?
Go on lets, please as I just got a digital camera


Its a minolta 5d with a 50mm sigma macro or a 105 with ambient light, mostly hand held. one or two of them were cropped (the odd size ones) and macro3 has the levels tweaked in PS.

Go on post em if yo got em

Good stuff though. I like the image you created (first one).
I'm getting frustrated with digital cameras, and I don't feel like a photographer while using them. I'm thinking about switching over to antique SLR's, and maybe one basic Digital SLR for design work. The film camera themselves are a bargain, made to last, and getting a roll developed and put on CD is cheap these days. Plus there's the added knowlegde of learning how to take great shots without 50 failed attempts.
My best from the past month:
mmmmmmmm nipple....
BTW very nice grasshopper, so difficult with living objects trying to get close enough without frightning them and still not swaying about more than a mm to keep them in focus.
that just sort of rolls of the toung dosn't it?
AFA the pic goes I can't say what it is, but it is not mine
Anyways digital is cool but pictures lacks the character that film based vintage cameras create.
I'll throw some digitals up here soon. I have some black and whites and I need to get developed.
I love image aberrations.
It's apple-picking season around here.
My Liz.
The woodshop. He's so into it.
All I've got lately is this turtle I shot for texture refs the other day...
seriously thank you a lot bro
i saved almost the entire thing.
Cool shots.
You need to vary those tree sizes more!
Scooby, those are great. Turtles are so weird they're cool.
Bob that rose is a blooming beaut, but not possible to get those shots atm i guess? what is the temperature at the moment, any more snow to take pics of? we just got rim frost here, very pretty and all that but a bit cold to go out and take pics in, any other sugestions for subjects?
Chriss, i am sooo jelous, thats a real dream trip, i would also liked to have seen how quickly the nature changes as you go up the mountains.
It's really cool seeing kids get into art, seeing the creativity bloom.
Show us more macro shots... love the grasshopper.
Hey, you're in Denmark, right. Aren't there lots of cool castles and ole bridges n' stuff. There's prolly tons of historic architecture to shoot not to mention Danish babes (don't tell Caro I said that to you...lol).
Give the guy a little privacy though, eh?
I'll use links to keep from killing the slower connections:
Lab in Edison's Invention Factory:
Train roundhouse:
Sorry notman i can't help posting in line, it just makes it easier too see all the great images, i dont think you should have been hiding yours so well either, this is my fave http://www.centaurdesigns.com/Greenfield/100_0536.JPG because of the woman looking up, making you look twice at the alcove.
Here is something smelly
That city looks so nice from across the river.
Here's an other one I took...
I tried to get the sun coming through the brightly colored leaves as much as possible, but it just got washed out from the sun (especially with no filters on...)
wow, that's cool. Where was that taken? Plane? Or mountain?
[/ QUOTE ]
plane during sunrise
lol that's funny. i never noticed he looked like he was peeing. He was walking in front of me and I just yelled STOP and he stopped and I quickly took a picture... the pose wasn't the most lucky one I guess :P
Here's an other one I took...
[/ QUOTE ]
do you happen to have a higher res version of that picture?
beautiful shot btw
and a self portrait.
I would love to be able to own a camera, but i have no money. I'm not getting allowance anymore, can't blame my parents, i never really do much around the house anyways...As soon as I get a job,though...