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Multiple Map Unwrap - sorry, i'm a n00b.

polycounter lvl 18
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Ctrl+Awesome polycounter lvl 18

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, i didn't see any recent topics on this and i'm having a hard time locating online tutorials for this question, but i was wondering how would i go about making two texure maps for a low poly model which i so commonly see done for models made in the industry?

Basicly, i have my model broken in to two subjects, the body i would like to put in a 1024x1024 maps and the face and hands on a 512x512. I was wondering how you pros go about doing this?

i have a screen shot that hopefuly will show my set up so far.
I'm useing Max 7.5.

My problem is when i try to kick out the maps by either useing textporter or RPmanager's UVW Path Unwrapper (i watched your unwrap tut Poop =) ) i wouldn't know how to get them from interfearing with eachother since they would both need to reside in the UVW edit box?

Does this mean i need to break my model/set different maps channels for my selection/set different ID? confused.gif I'm really not sure on how to go about doing this. frown.gif Any advise or links to useful tutorials would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! grin.gif



  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Overlap them, and assign each group a different Material ID. Then only ask for MatID 1 first, then 2 second from texporter. Normally that's how maps are separated.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    in addition to poops advice, i am assuming since you dont know about mat IDs you probably never used the multi subobject material.. good way to preview the materials while working..just put the map you are working on in the corresponding material number.. example..if you gave the face a mat ID of 4 put the face texture in the 4th slot of the multi subobject material..
  • Ctrl+Awesome
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    Ctrl+Awesome polycounter lvl 18
    wow, thanks for the fast responces.

    Uh, somehow i got the suggestion that Poop made work. Is there a way to get rid of mat IDs? So i can use that number again to organize my selections better? I think i had some mess ups when trying to use 1 and 2. If i can clear those to try and get things right, it would make it easier to remember what im doing.

    Aslo, arshlevon, when i assinged my material ID to my body selection, my UVW map went away on it. Is that supposed to happen?

    Heres a pic:


    Thanks again for all adivce. grin.gif

    Played around a little more. I think you can just overwrite your IDs with a selection and that will take presedence over it.

    Reguardless, i was able to get my two maps from textporter. wink.gif

    Now are there any ways to get these two to display on the model or is that what multisubobject mats are for? Or is it a simple measure of placeing them on two material slots and assigning them? Sorry for the abundance of questions. I'll keep tinkering with it.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, just assign each texture to their respective slot in the Multi/Sub-object material. Then the textures will show up on each of their correct UV coords.
  • Ctrl+Awesome
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    Ctrl+Awesome polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet. Thanks a lot guys! So, is that how models work in game engines? Off of Multi/Sub-object materials?
    I really appreciate everyone help. Now on to painting!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I think it depends on the game and the engine. For example, instead of using, say, two separate 512x512 maps, you could make a single 1024x512 map, and accomodate this in the UV's by putting them both on a single material and scaling them horizontally by exactly 50%.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Generally, the more you pack separate textures into a single one, the better the performance will be. But there are tradeoffs... consider this tutorial for Unreal:
    The skin color is split off into a separate texture sheet, so the skin color can be swapped in/out without changing the clothing, and vice versa.
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